Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Using Features of Literary & Informational Text to Guide Reading
A learning module that teaches students about using text features to guide reading in three mini lessons: Engaging with Text, Literary Think-Aloud, and Informational Think-Aloud. Download a PDF with lesson plans and printable handouts...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Writing: Editing: Spelling
A learning module that teaches students about spelling in five mini-lessons: Introduction, English-Start to Finnish, Commonly Mispeled Words, Spell-checking-Necessary but not sufficient, and Spelling Required.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Write Expository Text That Synthesizes Ideas
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] A learning module that teaches students how to bring ideas together in an expository text in four lessons: Introduction, Analyzing Our Sources, Pulling Out the Major Points...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Write Literary Text That Develops Interesting Characters
A learning module that teaches students how to write an literary text with good characterization in four lessons: Introduction, Two Types of Characterization and Two Types of Characters, Choosing Your Characters, and Your Turn.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Writing Literary Text With an Engaging Story Line
A learning module that teaches students how to write an engaging literary text in six lessons: Introduction, The Narrative Hook, Setting, Conflict, Plot, and Ending.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Writing: Editing: Strategies for Editing: Practice 1
A learning module that teaches students about editing strategies in five mini-lessons: Introduction, Spelling Spectacularly, Capitalizing Confidently, Punctuating Perfectly, and Putting It All Together.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Write a Personal Narrative
A learning module that teaches students how to write a personal narrative in six lessons: Introduction, Focusing on Your Topic, Narrowing Your Focus, Developing Your Central Idea-The Nitty Gritty, Writing Your Narrative, and Your Turn.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Write a Persuasive Text That Supports a Position
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] A learning module that teaches students about writing a persuasive text to support a position in four mini lessons: Introduction; Just the Facts, Ma'am. Kung Fu Fighting:...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Write a Persuasive Text With a Clear Thesis
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] A learning module that teaches students how to focus on a thesis in an expository text in four lessons: Introduction, Opening Statement: Your Thesis, Maintaining Your Thesis...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Write Expository Text That Is Logically Organized
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] A learning module that teaches students how to write an organized expository text in five lessons: Introduction, The Type of Burger: The Controlling Idea, Toppings: The...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Thesis and Support in the Persuasive Essay (English I Writing)
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] A learning module that teaches students about thesis statements and supporting details in an argumentative essay in five mini-lessons: Introduction, Choosing a Topic,...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Write Literary Text Using Strategies to Enhance Style & Tone
A learning module that teaches students about using literary devices to enhance style and tone in four lessons: Introduction, Style in Literature, Tone, and Your Turn.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Tone, Style, and Figurative Language: Practice 5
A learning module that teaches students about tone, style, and figurative language in five mini-lessons: Introduction, Identifying Diction Indicating Tone, Identifying Figurative Language, Spotting Jarring Departures from Tone in Diction...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway:writing an Engaging Story With Literary Strategies to Enhance Plot
A learning module that teaches students about writing a short story with a strong plot in seven mini-lessons: Introduction, Choose the Point of View, Figure Out What to Say, Suspend Readers in Midair, Write about a Central Theme, Read A...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Writing a Short Story With Interesting and Believable Characters
A learning module that teaches students about writing a short story with believable characters in six mini-lessons: Introduction, Imagine 3-D Characters, Show and Tell, Build Your Main Character Read about a Main Character, and Draft...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Understatement/overstatement (English I Reading)
A learning module that teaches students to recognize hyperbole and understatement as literary devices in five modules: Introduction, Recognizing Hyperbole and Understanding Its Purpose, Identifying Hyperbole in Poetry, Recognizing...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Write a Short Story: Practice 1
A learning module that gives students practice writing a short story in four lessons: Introduction; Before Writing-Brainstorm, Brainstorm, Brainstorm; Writing Prompts; Point of View; and Quick Tips for Writing a Timed Response.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Use Outlines, Notetaking, Graphic Organizers, Lists
A learning module that teaches students about organizing information for an essay in four mini-lessons: Introduction, Taking Good Notes, Using Graphic Organizers, and Making Lists.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Writing: Editing: Grammar
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] A learning module that teaches students about grammar in six mini-lessons: Introduction, Read Aloud, Subject-Verb Agreement, More Subject-Verb Agreement, Troublesome...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Verbals: Gerunds, Participles, Infinitives
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] A learning module that teaches students about gerunds, participles, and infinitives in four mini-lessons: Introduction, Using Gerunds and Gerund Phrases, Using Participles...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: What's Your Point (Of View)? Practice 6 (English I Reading)
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] A learning module that teaches students about point of view in six lessons: Introduction, A Different Perspective, Person of Interest, Center of Attention, Vantage Point, and...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Teaching Appositives in Context
A teaching resource with lesson plans, handouts, and three videos demonstrating how to teach appositives with explicit instruction, systematic instruction, practice and feedback.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Teaching Simple and Compound Sentences in Context
A teaching resource with lesson plans, handouts, and four videos demonstrating how to teacher sentence structure through mentor sentences.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Thinking Like an Expert: Teacher Modeling and Thinking Aloud
This resource explores instructional practices for using think-aloud in English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies classes. Think-Aloud examples are provided in both science and math. Download and print a resource...