Student Handouts
Group Discussion Notes
Hold participants accountable for group discussions by asking members to take notes. After identifying the topic, the recorder indicates the speaker, the speaker’s opinion, and comments on this opinion. The matrix could also be given to...
Austin Independent School District
Big Mac Paragraph Organizer
A colorful image of a hamburger provides food for thought. Essay writers record their introduction on the bun top and the conclusion on the bottom portion of the bun. All the meat, the details, are recorded between the buns.
Curated OER
Post Assessment: Plot Elements and Characterization
Learners use the provided activity to identify plot elements and then fill in these elements on a plot diagram. Also included is a template for a character map that asks readers to choose a character, identify two traits, and supply...
Curated OER
Poetry Appreciation – "The Raven"
Introduce your class to "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe with this series of activities, exercises, and worksheets. Class members examine an image, analyze a movie trailer, read a prose version of the poem, look up vocabulary, and pick out...
Curated OER
The Secret Garden - Punctuation 1
Proper punctuation is important. Focus on capital letters and periods by presenting your class with a paragraph that doesn't include either. Pupils determine where each sentence ends and begins, adding in capital letters and periods...
Curated OER
The Progressive Era: Muckrakers Grade 8
As you explore an excerpt from Upton Sinclair's The Jungle with your class, discuss how his descriptions of the meat-packing industry caught the public's attention and helped to promote change in the Progressive Era.
Keys to Literacy
Story Map
Recording the key elements of a story (title, setting, characters, problem, ending) on a story map graphic organizer provides primary readers a chance to practice identifying these elements and promotes reading comprehension. The...
Keys to Literacy
Story Map
Here's a graphic organizer that promotes comprehension by asking class members to record the elements of a story. Using the provided template, readers identify the setting, the major characters, the problems they face, and the...
The Persuasive Writing Graphic Organizer
A variation of a standard graphic organizer for a five-paragraph essay, young writers may find this style of organization helpful while drafting their writing. Some key features of this particular organizer are sections for transition...
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Fraction Strips
Identify, compare, and order fractions with a hands-on learning tool. Fraction strips are a great way to help young mathematicians understand and visualize fraction values. The worksheet can be made into an activity in which pupils cut...
Curated OER
Winter Olympic Games History
In this Winter Olympics worksheet, young scholars use the library or Internet resources to find the host city or country, number of competing men, number of competing women, and number of nations competing from 1924-2002.
Curated OER
Things Fall Apart: Graphic Organizer
Can two cultures live together successfully? After reading Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, have your class complete the graphic organizer included. They compare different cultures and brainstorm how different pairs could live...
Curated OER
To Kill a Mockingbird
Provided here are activities and questions for Part I of To Kill a Mockingbird (although one activity is also included for Part II). Readers study the novel's plot, characters, and setting. I wouldn't recommend using this as the sole...
Curated OER
Steps of the Scientific Method
This graphic organizer would be quite handy for making an overhead transparency and posting it for learners to view while doing any kind of sceince inquiry/experiment. This is a tried-and-true method, and is very important for any...
Curated OER
The Great Gatsby: Gonnegtions
Skip to the second page of this resource for the worksheet itself. Listed here are nine vocabulary words used in The Great Gatsby. Pupils use a dictionary to select a new word to pair with the vocabulary word provided from the novel....
Curated OER
Gala Fiesta Jamboree
Students explore world cultures by identifying local cuisine. In this cultural analysis lesson, students read assigned text which discusses the history of food and how hunter gathering was essential to our existence. Students view video...
Curated OER
Story of Self-Choosing to Participate
Everyone has a story; help your writers develop their own with this prewriting packet. Designed for upstanders to share their story and encourage others to be upstanders, this set of questions helps writers craft and structure a story to...
Curated OER
KWHL: The Holocaust
If your class is gearing up to read MAUS by Art Spiegelman, consider having them complete this KWHL chart as a prereading activity. They record what they know, what they want to learn, how they will find the information, and what they...
Curated OER
Constitutional Sort
In this U.S. Constitution worksheet, students complete a graphic organizer that requires them to list responsibilities of members of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches.
Curated OER
Number the Stars: KWHL Graphic Organizer
Class members use a KWHL graphic organizer to record what they know, want to know, and what they need to learn as they read Lois Lowry’s Newbery Medal winning novel about a Danish Jewish family.
Curated OER
Briar Rose: Character Comparison
Expand this Venn diagram so it's a little larger for your class. As they're reading Briar Rose, stop them and encourage them to compare Becca and Gemma, two characters from the novel. A teacher's guide gives some possible ideas.
Curated OER
KWHL Strategy for Jane Eyre
Have you ever attended a boarding school? Do you know anyone that has? Before beginning Jane Eyre, have your class use the KWHL chart included to explore the topic of boarding schools. What makes this chart unique is the H portion, which...
Curated OER
Of Mice and Men: KWHL
Introduce your readers to the KWHL chart, similar to a KWL chart, only there's an extra column for the how. This graphic organizer was designed as a prereading activity, but you'll have to model how to complete it in a meaningful way...
Curated OER
Ionic and Covalent Bonding - Smart Board Notes
On this note-taking sheeet, chemistry learners list elements as metals or non-metals. They differentiate between ionic and covalent bonds. They draw Lewis structures for both types of bonds. This would be a terrific teaching tool when...