Civil War Home
Home of the American Civil War: Battle of Lookout Mountain 24 Nov. 63
Also known as the Battle above the Clouds, the battle of Lookout Mountain was part of the Chattanooga Campaign. Find out about its odd name and the results of the battle. From "Civil War Dictionary" by Mark M. Boatner III.
Civil War Home
Home of the American Civil War: Overview of Confederacy
Provides an overview of the Confederate States of America from its establishment in 1861 through its abolishment in 1865.
Civil War Home
Home of the American Civil War: Winfield Scott
A brief biography of the famous Union military commander who devised the Anaconda Plan, Winfield Scott. Information is from the book, "Winfield Scott, the Soldier and the Man," by Charles W. Elliot.
Civil War Home
Home of the American Civil War: Civil War Gunboats
Descriptions of specific gunboats used by both the Union and the Confederacy during the Civil War.
Civil War Home
Home of the American Civil War: c.s.s. Alabama vs. u.s.s. Kearsarge
A brief overview of the battle between the C.S.S. Alabama and the U.S.S. Kearsarge with links to more detailed information.
Civil War Home
Home of the American Civil War: The Battle of Vicksburg
Provides a general overview of the siege of Vicksburg. Content includes a small map of the area on July 3, 1863. From "Historical Times Encyclopedia of the Civil War" edited by Patricia L. Faust.
Civil War Home
Home of the American Civil War: The Lyrics and Origin of Dixie
This site provides you with the lyrics to the song, Dixie. Also provides a link that explains the origins of the popular Civil War song.
Civil War Home
Home of the American Civil War: War on Horseback
Focuses on the use of horses during battles in the Civil War and explains why they were the military's primary source of transportation. From "Fighting for Time" by Dee Brown.
Civil War Home
Home of the American Civil War: John Brown
This website details the life of John Brown, the abolitionist, including his attack at Pottawatomie and the raid at Harpers Ferry. Information is from Historical Times Encyclopedia of the Civil War.
Civil War Home
Home of the American Civil War: Robert Gould Shaw
A brief description of the life and death of Robert Shaw and his involvement with the black regiment, the 54th Massachusetts. From "Who Was Who In the Civil War" by Stewart Sifakis.
Civil War Home
Home of the American Civil War: Remarks Relative to Iron Clad Gunboats
Remarks from Confederate General Beauregard about the feasibility of iron-clad ships for fighting naval blockades.
Civil War Home
Home of the American Civil War: Gettysburg Battle Maps
This site provides three small maps depicting the troop alignments on the battlefield of Gettysburg on July 1-3, 1863.
Civil War Home
Home of the American Civil War: Dorothea Dix
This page gives a brief biography of Dorothea Dix, nurse and social reformer, who was placed in charge of all the Union nurses in the Civil War. From the "Encyclopedia of the Civil War" by Suzanne LeVert.
Civil War Home
Home of the American Civil War: Ny Draft Riots
Details, quotes, official records, and an image on the New York Draft Riots of 1863 from the "Encyclopedia of the Civil War."