Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Where Do Whale Sharks Go?

For Students 9th - 10th
From ABC News in Science, Kathy Graham's article examines research connected to the tracking of whale sharks as they journey throughout the eastern Indian Ocean.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: White Shark Headed South

For Students 9th - 10th
From ABC News in Science, Anna Salleh's article explores research connected to the scientific tracking of Neale, a 2.4 meter juvenile male shark, who was captured and tagged by scientists in 2001.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Singing Whales Make Small Talk Too

For Students 9th - 10th
From ABC News in Science, Jennifer Viegas's article focuses on information on the Humpback Whale and its vocal capacity. The research has indicated that the whale is capable of emitting 622 social sounds.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Tarantula Feet Spin Sticky Silk

For Students 9th - 10th
From ABC News in Science, this article discusses the two methods the spiders use to walk upside down or vertically. In addition, it discusses the use of a silk-like mechanism as a third method.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Study Clears Sun of Climate Change

For Students 9th - 10th
From ABC News in Science, Alister Doyle's article discusses scientific research behind the study of the sun's energy output and whether or not it has affected climate on the Earth.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: The Costs of Tackling Climate Change

For Students 9th - 10th
From ABC News in Science, this article discusses results from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change on the costs in battling global warming.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: This Is an Antimagnet

For Students 9th - 10th
From ABC News in Science, Julie Steenhuysen's article covers research into antiferromagnets (or antimagnets) and their "external magnetic field."
Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Could We Live Without Water?

For Students 9th - 10th
News article summarizes research on the disaccharide, trehalose, and its role in survival under extremely dry conditions.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Humans Have a Bit of Shark in Them

For Students 9th - 10th
From ABC News in Science, Jennifer Viegas's article explores an ancient link between humans and sharks which leads to discoveries in the possibilities of sharks being distant cousins of humans.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Low Fat Milk, Straight From the Cow

For Students 9th - 10th
From ABC News in Science, this article explores current research underway in New Zealand which boasts the near-future possibility of skim milk coming straight from the cow's udder.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Marching Ants Fix Their Own Roads

For Students 9th - 10th
From ABC News in Science, this article explores interesting behavior found in army ants. The behavior charts ants who, upon discovering pot holes or holes in the paths, use their own bodies to cover the holes for the rest of the group.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Four More Breast Cancer Genes Found

For Students 9th - 10th
From ABC News in Science, this article charts the breast cancer research undergone by a team of international scientists. The research explores issues related to gene mutations and breast cancer. (May, 2007)
Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Migraine Brains

For Students 9th - 10th
From ABC News in Science, Maggie Fox's article, "Migraine brains may be starved of oxygen," explores the possibility of brain damage associated with migraine headaches.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Cyclones May Blast Turtles to Extinction

For Students 9th - 10th
From ABC News in Science, Jacquie van Santen's article examines how several weather tropical cyclones affect populations of marine turtles both at sea and on the `each.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Dark Matter Sure Is a Fast Mover

For Students 9th - 10th
From ABC News in Science, Marilyn Head's article on dark matter explores the speed at which dark matter moves. The article revolves around current research into the very existence of dark matter and the controversies surrounding its study.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Hubble's Successor Will Look Like This

For Students 9th - 10th
From ABC News in Science, Will Dunham's article explores issues related to the James Webb Space Telescope which is scheduled to be the successor of the current Hubble Space Telescope.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Mercury's Core Secrets Exposed

For Students 9th - 10th
From ABC News in Science, Irene Klotz's article explores the partially liquid core discovered inside the planet Mercury. The findings are evaluated through current scientific research.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Jupiter's Moons Act Like Shepherds

For Students 9th - 10th
From ABC News in Science, Julie Steenhuysen's article on Jupiter's moons center on topics relating to the moon's role in diverting objects away from the planet and into the distant rings.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: New Earth Like Planet 'Habitable'

For Students 9th - 10th
From ABC News in Science, Irene Klotz's article discusses the findings of researchers and scientists related to the discovery of an "Earth-like planet" which is capable of supporting life.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Dinosaur 'Feathers' Are No Such Thing

For Students 9th - 10th
From ABC News in Science, this article explores the validity behind current findings and research on the dinosaur to bird theory. The research is conducted on the Sinosauropteryx, which is a turkey-sized dinosaur with "proto-feathers."
Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Found! Australia's Largest Dinosaurs

For Students 9th - 10th
From ABC News in Science, Rob Taylor's article discusses the discovery of dinosaur bones in Australia which lead scientists to conclude the existence of the largest dinosaurs to have roamed Australia.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Early Amphibians Bit First, Walked Later

For Students 9th - 10th
From ABC News in Science, Will Dunham's article explores the evolutionary history of eating habits within the realms of amphibians. It specifically refers to the ancient amphibians use of biting food rather than sucking it.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Found! Oldest Chunk of Earth's Crust

For Students 9th - 10th
From ABC News in Science, Will Dunham's article covers research connected to the discovery of a chunk of Earth's crust found in Greenland which possibly dates over 3.8 billion years.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation

Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Moral Dilemma?

For Students 9th - 10th
From ABC News in Science, Will Dunham's article presents very interesting findings in the issue of morality and brain research. The findings revolve around the role of emotions in moral decisions.