Country Studies US
Country Studies: Sri Lanka
Go to this site for all the information you could ever want to know on Sri Lanka. It includes in-depth information on the history of the country, society and environment, economy, government and politics, and national security. A...
Country Studies US
Country Studies: Madagascar
This Library of Congress site for the African island nation of Madagascar provides links to information about the country's environment, society, economy, and history.
Country Studies US
Country Studies: Germany
A thorough look at Germany from the Country Studies section of the Library of Congress. Read about its history, economy, people, and government. Information through the 1990's.
Country Studies US
Country Studies: Haiti
The Library of Congress offers a complete country study of Haiti. Content includes a look at this country's geography, history, government, and society. Information current to 1989.
Country Studies US
Country Studies: Venezuela
Library of Congress website that covers every aspect of a country. Information on Venezuela's geography, society, economy, transportation, telecommunications, government, politics, and national security is provided.
Country Studies US
Country Studies: Colombia
The Library of Congress offers a thorough overview of Colombia, including a complete country profile, a detailed history of the country, a look at the governmental structure and political dynamics, and so much more.
Country Studies US
Country Studies: Paraguay
Library of Congress provides an excellent page of information on the key features of Paraguay. Find general information on the geography, society, history, economy, government, and national security.
Country Studies US
Country Studies: Nepal
The Library of Congress provides a wealth of information regarding the country of Nepal, ranging from a chronology of important events to detailed population and geography information. A variety of maps and pictures supplement the material.
Country Studies US
Country Studies: Moldova Conflict in Transnistria and Gagauzia
This excerpt from the Library of Congress' Moldova: A Country Study (Ed. Helen Fedor) analyzes the Transnistria-Moldova Conflict from 1990-1992.
Country Studies US
Country Studies: Germany: Postwar Occupation and Division
This site provides a detailed account of the division of Germany by the United States, France, Britain, and Russia following World War II.
Country Studies US
Country Studies: Germany: The Bizone
This article details the growing tensions between West Germany (controlled by France, the United States, and Britain) and East Germany (controlled by Russia) and the onset of the Cold War.
Country Studies US
Country Studies: Germany 1945 1990
This article provides a comprehensive overview of the events that occurred in Germany between 1945 and 1990.
Country Studies US
Country Studies: The Polish People's Republic
This article discusses the Soviet Union's influence in Poland following World War II and during the Cold War.
Country Studies US
Country Studies: Latvia the Soviet Period
This article details the occupation of Latvia by the Soviet Union following World War II and during the Cold War.
Country Studies US
Country Studies: Lithuania the Soviet Republic
This article discusses the Soviet Republic that existed in Lithuania during the Cold War.
Country Studies US
Country Studies: Finland: Cold War and the Treaty of 1948
This article details the state of affairs in Finland during the Cold War.
Country Studies US
Country Studies: Panama the 1903 Treaty and Qualified Independence
A canal between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans had been the dream of several countires for years. Read about how the United States supported Panama's breakaway from Colombia in order to gain access to the isthmus of Panama, the final...
Country Studies US
Country Studies: Iraq
An excellent source of information on Iraq from The Library of Congress. Includes information on geography, society, economy, transportation, government and politics, and national security.
Country Studies US
Country Studies: Algeria
The last year this resource seems to be updated is 1993. However, there is still excellent information provided on the history, geographic regions, natural resources, ethnic groups, and other aspects of Algeria.
Country Studies US
Country Studies: Bolivia and the United States
Explores the relationship of the United States and Bolivia during the 1980s concentrating mostly on the narcotics industry and their joint fight in the drug wars.
Country Studies US
Country Studies: Guyana
Excellent comprehensive guide to everything you want to know about the South American country of Guyana developed by the Library of Congress. Information includes: history, economy, geography, climate, religion, politics, and much more.
Country Studies US
Country Studies: Caribbean Islands
Read an overview of the Caribbean Islands as a whole. Find out their histories, culture, politics, and geography.
Country Studies US
Country Studies: Mauritania: Religion
Brief description of the religious beliefs of the people of Mauritania. Be sure to click on the topics to find out more about Islam in general and the sects that are prevalent in Mauritania.
Country Studies US
Country Studies: Mauritania
Detailed study of the country of Mauritania developed by the Library of Congress. Includes the history, economy, culture, population, and other aspects of the country. Information is based on 1988 book.