Number Nut: Numbers and Counting: Counting to Ten With Dots Activity
A concentration game where the player must match numbers from one to ten with the correct number of dots.
Number Nut: Ordering Operations With Parentheses
A thorough lesson on order of operations that includes detailed examples and related vocabulary.
Number Nut: Counting Through One Hundred
Counting from one to one hundred is simple when you follow this concise lesson that explores number patterns and counting. This lesson includes two related interactive games that are easy to grasp and provide immediate feedback.
Number Nut: Numbers and Counting: Counting to Ten Activity
A simple quiz where the player must click on the correct number of the stated shape.
Number Nut: Numbers and Counting: Counting From One to Ten Activity
A game where the player must first click on the picture showing one less dot than the given number, then on the picture with one more.
Number Nut: Addition: Carrying
Explains how to carry when regrouping in addition, with related activities for skill practice.
Number Nut: Pick a Bar: Numbers One Through 1000
For this activity, the player must read the number words up to ten thousand and click on the correct number symbol from four choices.
Number Nut: Rounding Numbers to the Nearest Hundred
Round each number to the nearest hundred. Select the correct answer of three choices. There are ten random questions.