Bibliomania: Shakespeare "All's Well the Ends Well"
At this website, read a very brief summary of Shakespeare's comedy, "All's Well That Ends Well," and read a full text of the play. Text of play is divided by scenes.
Bibliomania: Shakespeare Antony and Cleopatra
Here, read the full text of Shakespeare's tragedy, "Antony and Cleopatra." Text is divided by scene.
Bibliomania: Shakespeare "As You Like It"
At this website, read a brief summary of Shakespeare's comedy, "As You Like It," and read the full text of the play. Text is divided by scene.
Bibliomania: Shakespeare "Hamlet"
Read Shakespeare's tragedy, "Hamlet," at this website. Text is organized by scene.
Bibliomania: Shakespeare Henry Iv Part I
Here, read "Henry IV Part I." The full text of this Shakespearean history is organized by scene.
Bibliomania: Shakespeare Henry Iv Part Ii
Here, read the full text of Shakespeare's "Henry IV Part II." This history play is organized by scene.
Bibliomania: Shakespeare Henry V
Read Shakespeare's history play, "Henry V." This full text is organized by scene.
Bibliomania: Shakespeare Henry Vi Part I
Read the text of Shakespeare's "Henry VI Part I." This history play is organized by scene.
Bibliomania: Shakespeare Henry Vi Part Ii
At this website read Shakespeare's "Henry VI Part II." Full text of this history play is organized by scene.
Bibliomania: Shakespeare Henry Vi Part Iii
Read Shakespeare's "Henry VI Part III." The full text of this history is organized by scene.
Bibliomania: Shakespeare Julius Caesar
At this website, read the full text of "Julius Caesar." This Shakespearean tragedy is organized by scene.
Bibliomania: Shakespeare King John
This is the full text of Shakespeare's "King John." Text is organized by scene.
Bibliomania: Shakespeare King Lear
Here, read the full text of "King Lear." This Shakespearean tragedy is organized by scene.
Bibliomania: Shakespeare "Love's Labours Lost"
Here, read the full text of "Love's Labours Lost." This Shakespearean comedy is organized by scene.
Bibliomania: Shakespeare Macbeth
Here, read the full text of Shakespeare's play, "Macbeth." The text of this tragedy is organized according to scene.
Bibliomania: Shakespeare Othello
Read the full text of Shakespeare's tragedy, "Othello." The play's text is organized by scene.
Bibliomania: Shakespeare Richard Ii
Here, read the full text of Shakespeare's play, "Richard II." The text is organized by scene.
Bibliomania: Shakespeare Richard Iii
Here is the full text of Shakespeare's "Richard III." This play is organized by scene.
Bibliomania: Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet
Here read the full text of Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet." The text of this tragedy is organized by scene.
Bibliomania: Shakespeare the Tempest
Here is the full text of William Shakespeare's play, "The Tempest." Text is organized by scene.
Bibliomania: Shakespeare Timon of Athens
Read the full text of "Timon of Athens." The text of this Shakespearean tragedy is organized according to scene.
Bibliomania: Shakespeare Titus Andronicus
Read the full text of William Shakespeare's play, "Titus Andronicus." The text of this tragedy is organized by scene.
Bibliomania: Shakespeare Troilus and Cressida
Read the full text of Shakespeare's "Troilus and Cressida." Text is organized by scene.
Bibliomania: Shakespeare Twelfth Night
Here, read the full text of the play, "Twelfth Night." The text of this Shakespearean comedy is organized by scene.