Texas A&M University
Calculating Parts Per Million
Calculating parts per million for use in greenhouses.
Texas A&M University
Texas a & M University: Information About Flowers
Site from the Texas A & M University provides an alphabetical index to flowers.
Texas A&M University
Center for the Study of the First Americans: Cactus Hill Site, Virginia
Pictures of the Cactus Hill paleo-Indian site in Virginia show the site itself and artifacts from the pre-Clovis and Clovis periods of time. There is no commentary about the pictures other than a caption.
Texas A&M University
Texas A&m University: Fisheries Activities
Site from the Texas A&M University provides activities on fisheries that teachers can use in their classrooms to help students learn more about them. Some of the topics included are ecosystems, ocean food chains, fish prints and more.
Texas A&M University
Texas A&m University: Properties of the Ocean Activities
This site is from the Texas A&M University provides a lesson plan on measurement and properties of the ocean. As part of the lesson students are challenged to create a model of an underwater amusement park. Web resources are provided...
Texas A&M University
Ocean World: Coral Reefs
Did you know that coral is actually an animal? This site uncovers information on these sea creatures as well as provides links to other coral reef sites.
Texas A&M University
For Kids: Nutrition in the Garden
This resource provides all types of garden activity ideas on nutrition. It contains eight activities that students can do at home with resources that can be rounded up from a backyard garden.
Texas A&M University
For Kids: Nutrition in the Garden
This resource provides all types of garden activity ideas on nutrition. It contains eight activities that students can do at home with resources that can be rounded up from a backyard garden.
Texas A&M University
Texas A&m University: Composting for Kids
Slide show with script from the Texas A&M University describing how to layer a compost bin, and how to make a trench compost or pocket compost. Gives nitrogen and carbon content examples of compostable materials. Explains gardening...
Texas A&M University
Kinder Garden: Community Gardens
Many urban communities have learned to use unlikely places to develop gardens. At this site visit a community garden and learn how some people have adapted to the limitations of their environment.
Texas A&M University
Texas A&m Univ: Limits at Infinity Horizontal Asymptotes
This site, created by a math professor at Texas A & M University provides notes about and defines different types of asymptotes.
Texas A&M University
Texas A&m University: What Are Data Structures?
Learn how data structures help to organize data and information.
Texas A&M University
Sons of Dewitt Colony Texas: Colonization Laws
This site provides the text to the several colonization laws dealing with the colonization of Texas primarily by Americans.
Texas A&M University
A Divergent Alternating Series Whose Terms Go to Zero
This site gives an example of an alternating series whose terms go to zero but whose sum diverges. Can you guess why it diverges? Go to this site to find out why.
Texas A&M University
Texas A&m University: Discontinuous Function
This site gives an example of a discontinuous function.