Tom Richey
Slide Share: Context Clues
A slide show with sixteen slides explaining and giving examples of four different types of context clues: synonyms, antonyms, explanation, and example.
Tom Richey
Linked In: Abstract Noun Powerpoint Game
A PowerPoint presentation defining concrete and abstract nouns and includes a sit down/stand up game.
Tom Richey
Slideshare: Creative Brainstorming
This slide presentation provides a background of why the process of brainstorming is important as well as elements and tools you can use to get your creative juices flowing.
Tom Richey
Slide Share: Overview of Six Kingdoms
This slideshow provides an overview of the six kingdoms.
Tom Richey
Slideshare: Information Literacy
A slideshow regarding the ins and outs of information literacy for the 21st-century classroom.
Tom Richey
Slide Share: Energy Flow and Nutrient Cycle
Read 37 slides on energy flow and the nutrient cycle.
Tom Richey
Rotem Tal: Canada: Facts & Trivia
A beautiful visual slide presentation of Canada!Also included is an overlay of facts & trivia to help one get to know Canada better.
Tom Richey
Slide Share: Comparing and Contrasting: Differentiating Between Fact and Opinion
This downloadable slideshow focuses on comparing and contrasting, and distinguishing between fact and opinion. It provides definitions and examples of each.
Tom Richey
Linked in Learning: Inherited Traits
Use this slideshow to teach your class the difference between inherited and learned traits. Includes a survey of traits, a data table, a chart with examples of inherited traits, and questions to spur engagement and discussion.
Tom Richey
Slide Share: 2nd Grade Point of View
A slide show with seven slides on point of view in a literary text.
Tom Richey
Slide Share: Capitalism and the Free Enterprise System
A SlideShare by Mitchell Atias about the foundation of Capitalism and the emergence of a free enterprise system. Slides also cover market system and socialism economy.
Tom Richey
Slideshare: 8 Features of a Civilization
Scroll a slideshow featuring characteristics of civilizations to aid in understanding the early developments like Mesopotamia or Sumer.