Middle School Science
Hurricane Unit
In this comprehensive site you will find links to the following topics: parts of the hurricane, naming hurricanes, stages of development, rating hurricanes, online tracking of hurricanes, printable tracking maps, hurricane safety,...
Middle School Science
Middle School science.com: Perch Dissection
In this lab experiment site, you will observe the external and internal anatomy of a perch, determine the sex of a perch using internal anatomy, and collect statistical data on perch length.
Middle School Science
Middle School science.com: Spore Print Lab
Using this lab experiment site, your students can identify the parts of a mushroom, observe the spores released from different types of mushrooms, and understand the way fungi reproduce.
Middle School Science
Middle School Science: "Sinkin' Lincoln" Lab (Lesson Plan)
In this lesson plan site, students will "Define surface tension, determine what factors affect surface tension, and collect data on how many drops of water a penny can hold."
Middle School Science
Mss: Density Demonstration: Coke vs. Diet Coke
In this demonstration, students will brainstorm to find a solution as to why Diet Coke floats and Coke sinks. Through this exercise students will arrive at a definition of density.
Middle School Science
Middle School Science: Tuning Fork Lab
In this succinct lesson plan, students will compare the sounds produced by tuning forks and observe the behavior of sound waves in different media.
Middle School Science
Middle School science.com: Smile Metric Style Lesson
In this lesson plan site, students will learn how to use a metric ruler to measure length, accurately read and record measurements taken in centimeters and millimeters, and collect and analyze data using a stem and leaf.
Middle School Science
Middle School Science: Observing Tree Rings
In the lab experiment site, you will determine the age of a tree, see if you can determine what years had more precipitation than others, and label the cross section of a tree: bark, heartwood, sapwood, and rings.
Middle School Science
Lesson Plan: Earthworm Dissection
In this lesson plan site, you will "Learn the external and internal anatomy of the earthworm, understand the structure and function of external and internal organs, know the digestive, circulatory, reproductive, and nervous system, and...
Middle School Science
Crayfish Dissection
In this lab experiment site, you will "Observe the external and internal anatomy of a crayfish, determine the sex of a crayfish using external anatomy, and collect statistical data on crayfish length and cheliped length."
Middle School Science
Middle School Science: Where Can We Find Bacteria?
In this experimental site, you will find out where bacteria hang out and determine what kind of environmental conditions influence bacterial growth. Directions are clear and complete.
Middle School Science
Protist Lab
In this concise lab exercise, you will examine protists under the microscope, see examples of different protist types, and compare modes of locomotion.
Middle School Science
Painted Lady Journal Entries
In this lab experiment site, you will observe the complete metamorphosis of a Painted Lady Butterfly, identify the four stages of complete metamorphosis, and understand the difference between incomplete and complete metamorphosis.
Middle School Science
Middle School Science: Motion Crossword Puzzle
Let your students have a little fun and reinforce their learning of motion-related concepts at the same time.
Middle School Science
Middle School Science: Motion Notes
Personal site in which a teacher outlines a unit on motion. Probes through topics such as average speed, velocity, acceleration, speed, deceleration, force and more.
Middle School Science
Middle School Science Lesson Plans: Grasshopper Lab
In this lab experiment, you will observe the external anatomy of a grasshopper, determine the sex of a grasshopper using external anatomy, and collect statistical data on grasshopper length. You will also be asked to describe the...
Middle School Science
Middle School Science: Balloon Powered Race Cars
An idea developed by a physical science teacher who applied Newton's Laws of Motion in creating a balloon powered race car. Find simple objective, materials, rules, and procedures.