All Things PLC
Cultural Shifts in a Professional Learning Community
Talk about a quantum shift in educational thinking. The shift in attitudes toward the fundamental purposes, the shifts in the use of assessments, the shift in the response of educators when students don't learn, the shift in the work of...
All Things PLC
Pyramid of Interventions Considerations
There's much to consider when contemplating an intervention for students. Here's a list of considerations that should be taken into account, as well as questions that should be asked and answered during the planning stage.
All Things PLC
Planning for Teams
Collaboration is so important when planning out a school year. Working as a team, teachers can determine their purpose and goal for a yearly plan, map out the steps over each month, and schedule a time and place to meet throughout the year.
All Things PLC
Curriculum Map
Chances for the success of any venture are often improved with careful pre-planning. Here's a preplanning curriculum map that identifies for professional learning communities (PLC) the key factors that must be part of any instructional...
All Things PLC
A Balanced and Coherent System of Assessment
Assessment is key in any professional learning community (PLC). Check out this graphic that details the types of, frequency of, and purpose of various types of assessments used by PLC teams.
All Things PLC
Protocol for Team Analysis Prior to Teaching a Unit
As part of an analysis of an instructional unit, teaching teams use a worksheet and identify where learners struggled, some of the causes, and then develop an action plan for improving achievement.
All Things PLC
Where Do We Go From Here? Worksheet Monitoring Each Student’s Learning
In the words of Yogi Berra, "If you don't know where you are going, you might wind up someplace else." Keep team members of your professional learning community (PLC) mindful of where they are going with a worksheet that designates steps...
All Things PLC
Master Schedule Planning Document
Building a master schedule is an incredibly complex process. So many factors and priorities must be considered. Make the process of revising the schedule to allow for PLC collaboration easier with a planning worksheet that asks team...
All Things PLC
Making Time for Collaboration
Making time for collaboration, a key element in creating a professional learning community, is a challenge. Not only is the school's master schedule effected, but the schedules of families, community members, and even bus companies, are...
All Things PLC
Professional!Learning!Community! Manual: Operationalizing!the!Big!Picture
Thinking of creating a Professional Learning Community at your school? Here's a 32-page manual that provides everything you need to get started.
All Things PLC
Organizations That Endorse Professional Learning Community Concepts
Thinking of creating a Professional Learning Community in your school? Here's a list of organizations and educational researchers who endorse PLC concepts.
All Things PLC
Critical Issues for Team Consideration
Profession Development Community (PLC) teams use the provided worksheet to evaluate the progress of their group in addressing critical issues their school is facing.
All Things PLC
Glossary of Key Terms and Concepts
Considering creating a Profession Learning Community at your school? Here's a seven-page glossary of key terms and concepts, everything from action orientation and adaptive to values and vision, that all members should know to...
All Things PLC
Professional Learning Community Manual
Although designed for a specific learning community, much can be gleaned from this manual about how to set up a learning community and the responsibilities for the various members.