Archaeological Institute of America
Archaeology: The Modern Sack of Nineveh
An article about stolen Assyrian artifacts. It has many links to photos of Assyrian art and architecture, along with detailed images and illustrations.
Archaeological Institute of America
Archaeology: The New Neandertal
Latest theories on the Neandertal. Valuable information can be provided through DNA, proteins, and chemical elements.
Archaeological Institute of America
Archaeology: Bodies of the Bogs
Human sacrifices, unlucky people, victims of violence? What are the stories of the bog bodies? This article contains research on these bodies as well as many pictures of specimens.
Archaeological Institute of America
Archaeology: Diving With the Dead
Follow a team of divers as they explore the famous cenotes of the Yucatan peninsula. These cenotes hold secrets of Mayan culture still waiting to be told.
Archaeological Institute of America
Archaeology: Kv 63: A Look at the New Tomb
This article describes the contents of the latest tomb found in Egypt. Includes an interview with Roxanne Wilson about the discovery.
Archaeological Institute of America Archaeology Magazine
A magazine dedicated to archeology. Includes recent discoveries, videos, articles, interactive digs, and more.
Archaeological Institute of America
Early Homo Erectus Tools in China
An article which describes a fossil site in eastern China where evidence has been found that Home erectus may have been active in eastern China some 400,000 years earlier than scientists believed. The authors also summarize the debate...
Archaeological Institute of America
Shang City Uncovered
This article describes the early excavation successes of the American-Chinese archaeological partnership, the Anyang Project.
Archaeological Institute of America
Archaeology Archive: A Monumental Feud by Roger Atwood
An article describing the oldest city found in the Americas: Caral, Peru. The author gives details on how there is a disagreement between members of the original team of archaeologists who dated the site in 2001. This has led to two...
Archaeological Institute of America
The Americas First Colony?
Skeletal remains of a juvenile with jade ax blades suggests a possible Olmec colony in Southern Mexico.
Archaeological Institute of America
Archaeology: Nefertiti's Eyes
In 2006, archaeologists entered a tomb labelled KV63 in Egypt's Valley of the Kings. Evidence they found suggests links to Nefertiti. This article was written by Earl L. Ertman, a member of the expedition.
Archaeological Institute of America
Archaeology: Doing Time
A brief description of Johnson's Island Prison followed by links to correspondence of the prisoners, a map of the prison, and information about a current archaeological dig at the site.
Archaeological Institute of America
Archaeology: The Antiquities Act Centennial
An article about the Centennial of the Antiquities Act, signed into law by Theodore Roosevelt.
Archaeological Institute of America
The Fate of Greenland's Vikings
An article which describe the settlement of the Vikings in Greenland and examines possible reasons for their disappearance.
Archaeological Institute of America
Archaeology Magazine Archive: Who Were the Hopewell?
Read this informative article from the Archaelogy Magazine discussing the Hopewell culture, its agriculture and village life, and primarilty the ceremonial earthworks for which the culture is so famous.
Archaeological Institute of America
Archaeology: Steam Machines
Information on the Civil War's naval confrontations and the impact of steamboats as used by the United States Navy during the war.
Archaeological Institute of America
The Ancient Olympics: Winning at Olympia
New studies challenge traditional notions about Greek Athletes and why they competed.
Archaeological Institute of America
Archaeological Institute of America: Early Iron Smelting
Tells about an archaeological dig that may have uncovered one of the oldest instances of iron smelting ever. (V. 53 No. 1, Jan./Feb. 2000 )
Archaeological Institute of America
Archaeology: Calvert's Heirs Claim Schliemann Treasure
A news article discussing conflicting claims to Schliemann's Trojan treasures, which may have been excavated by different archaeologists.
Archaeological Institute of America
Archaeology: Neolithic Surgery
Summary of research on a 7,000 year old burial that shows evidence of successful brain surgery. Describes the type of surgery, what it was for and how the relics seem to show what was done.
Archaeological Institute of America
Archaeology: Trajan's Glorious Forum
This is a labeled diagram of "Trajan's Glorious Forum."
Archaeological Institute of America
Archaeology: Riddle of Great Zimbabwe
Briefly explores the differing explanations for Great Zimbabwe's location and structures.
Archaeological Institute of America
Archaeology: Sand Creek Massacre
Contains information about pinpointing the exact site of the Sand Creek Massacre.
Archaeological Institute of America
Archaeology: Apalachee Surface in Louisiana
An article about the Apalachee, a Native American culture that was displaced after the arrival of the Europeans from northern Florida to Louisiana.