Dave's ESL Cafe

Dave's Esl Cafe

For Students 9th - 10th
A brightly-colored spot to stop and pick up tid-bits about the goings-on in the world of ESL. Dave supplies "Stuff for Teachers" as well as "Stuff for Students." Find idioms, quizzes, slang, a job center for teachers, idea cookbook, and...
Dave's ESL Cafe

Esl Slang Page

For Students 9th - 10th
ELL students who struggle with slang will find this site very useful. Long list of slang terms and their meanings.
Dave's ESL Cafe

Esl Idiom Page

For Students 9th - 10th
All English language learners have to overcome the barrier of idioms. See a complete list of idioms, their meanings, and examples.
Unknown Type
Dave's ESL Cafe

Esl Quiz Center: Grammar/irregular Verbs/quiz

For Students 9th - 10th
Eight questions to test your knowledge of irregular verbs. Answers given right away.
Unknown Type
Dave's ESL Cafe

Esl Grammar Quiz: Subject Verb Agreement

For Students 9th - 10th
Ten-question quiz to test your knowledge on subject verb agreement. Submit answers to see results.
Unknown Type
Dave's ESL Cafe

Esl Quiz Center: Grammar & Verb Tense Review

For Students 9th - 10th
Ten-question review quiz written by Dennis Oliver to test ESL verb tense. Answers are evaluated once all questions have been marked.
Dave's ESL Cafe

Phrasal Verbs

For Students 9th - 10th
Phrasal verbs-two-part verbs that combine a verb with a preposition-are often difficult for English language learners to comprehend because they have peculiar meanings unfamiliar to non-native speakers of English. What does it mean, for...
Dave's ESL Cafe

Dave's Esl Cafe: Verb Forms and Verb Tenses #6: Spelling Ing Forms

For Students 3rd - 5th
Spelling rules and examples for adding the "ing" suffix to the ends of words.
Dave's ESL Cafe

Dave's Esl Cafe: Prepositions: Using "To" and "Toward" for Places

For Students 5th - 8th Standards
Information and examples of when to use "to" and when to use "toward" when writing sentences.