What's Wrong With This Picture?
A variety of pictures are provided to help study many economic concepts. Could be a good classroom activity.
Econoclass: Frozen Price Game
This game helps students to understand the concepts of changing supply, changing demand, and equilibrium price, as the price of bags of ice changes after a hurricane has swept through a community.
Econoclass: The Law of Unintended Consequences
In this series of short "headlines", each has a direct goal, but each also has an unintended externality or spillover.
Econoclass: Using Economics to Save Lives
This activity presents students with the challenge of saving lives through public policy. A cost-benefit analysis of current programs and potential policies will be used.
Econoclass: Birka: A Strategic Trading Game
This game, using multiple decks of playing cards, teaches the concepts of marginal benefits vs. total benefits. Each game takes about 10 minutes to play.
Econoclass: The Wage Is Right!
This classroom activity is based on the television show "The Price Is Right" and allows learners to think about wage earnings in various sectors of employment. Could be used as a classroom activity when studying supply and demand or the...
Econoclass: Money Creation Simulation
This classroom activity enables students to better understand the role of the Federal Reserve and the control of the money supply. The game takes approximately 50 minutes.
Econoclass: International Finance Classroom Simulation
In this classroom activity, students are divided into various groups, each being a different "country." Each country has their own currency and goods, and groups proceed to trade amongst themselves. This game covers the topics of...
Econoclass: Spending and Output Strings
For this classroom activity, "output" cards and "spending" cards are placed on a string. As each increase or decrease, the economy faces more unemployment or inflation. A good visual device to study the relationships among output,...
Econoclass: Supply and Demand Drill
This classroom activity provides students with many examples of changes in supply or demand.
Econoclass: Joe Wins the Lottery
This example of a person winning $1 million is examined as if he were paid the entire amount all at once, or given $100,000 over the course of 10 years. This example looks at inflation, the present value of money, and the future value of...
Econoclass: Economics of Fashion
This classroom activity examines why being fashionable is expensive, and why clothing trends change quickly.
Econoclass: The Economics of the Wizard of Oz
This activity analyzes "The Wizard Of Oz" while studying the topics of inflation and government regulations.
Econoclass: Supply and Demand in Labor Markets
This study of the demand for labor discusses supply, demand, equilibrium, and why wages in some professions are higher than in others.
Econoclass: Resources for Economic Teachers
A site with resources for teachers teaching high school economics.
Econoclass: The Distributive Justice Game
This classroom activity allows different boundaries for various groups of students to take a quiz. For example, some groups get more time, others may use a book or notes, etc. However, the roles of students will change just prior to the...