Federation of American Scientists
Fas: Drug Lords
A statement by Donnie Marshall, Acting Deputy Administrator, Drug Enforcement Administration, discussing the involvement of the drug lords in the drug problem of South America.
Federation of American Scientists
Fas: Intelligence Resource Program: U 2 Spy Plane
Complete history and information page from the development of the U-2 to the present day. Includes great illustrations and helpful tables.
Federation of American Scientists
Fas: Soviet Union Security Concerns
This article examines the Soviet Union's concerns about its sphere of influence during the Cold War and its desire to protect its interests.
Federation of American Scientists
Fas: Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces (Inf)
A comprehensive guide to the control of weapons of mass destruction highlighting the INF Treaty. Provides detailed provisions of the treaty, a timetable, and a copy of the actual text.
Federation of American Scientists
Fas: National Security Policy Arms Control Disarmament
A lengthy essay describing the negotiations and politics involved in President Kennedy's quest to create a permanent ban on nuclear tests.
Federation of American Scientists
Fas: Cuban Missile Crisis
This site from the Federation of American Scientists has lots of photos regarding the Cuban Missile Crisis, as well as Foreign Relations Documents.
Federation of American Scientists
Fas: Report of the Independent Counsel for Iran/contra
This page from the Federation of American Scientists links to all chapters of the "Final Report of the Independent Counsel for Iran/Contra Matters" released by the Independent Counsel Office.
Federation of American Scientists
Fas: Memorial Tribute for Luis W. Alvarez
Read a tribute to Hispanic-American scientist and Nobel Peace prize winner, Luis Alvarez by a fellow scientist. He gives a very detailed account of his life.
Federation of American Scientists
Fas: Strategic Defense Initiative Transcript [Pdf]
A transcript of National Security Decision Directive 172, issued by Reagan administration staffers in 1985. A formal statement of the administration's Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) two years into SDI's research and development. With...
Federation of American Scientists
Fas: Counter Intelligence in World War Ii: Chapter 1
Provides information on Igor Sergeyevich Guzenko, the postwar expansion of FBI domestic intelligence, the Federal Loyalty-Security Program, and the FBI-Military Intelligence Jurisdictional Agreement.
Federation of American Scientists
Fas: Limited Test Ban Treaty (1963)
The text of the 1963 Limited Test Ban Treaty.