Inner Body
Innerbody: Endocrine System
Look at the organs of the endocrine system and examine them in detail as you click on the interactive animation.
Inner Body
Innerbody: Cardiovascular System
Take a look at the parts of the cardiovascular system including all of the major arteries and veins. Make sure to click on the interactive animation to find additional information.
Inner Body
Innerbody: Skeletal System
This site has a skeleton with points to click on. Each click brings up information on that part in a separate window. If the windows are resized next to each other, it's point, click, and read.
Inner Body
Innerbody: Interactive Skeletal System (Posterior View)
This site has a skeleton with points to click on. Each click brings up information on that bone in a separate window. If the windows are resized next to each other, it's point, click, and read.
Inner Body
Innerbody: Muscular System
At this site, students can interact with the muscular system of the human body. Click on a region of the body or the name of a muscle, and zoom in to examine it. Outlines and magnifying glasses appear and when you click on them, you see...
Inner Body
Innerbody: Urinary System
Click on the different parts of the interactive model to learn about the urinary system. Scroll down the page to read about the urinary system's anatomy.
Inner Body
Innerbody: Respiratory System: Terminal Bronchi and Alveoli
Detailed description and illustration of the terminal bronchi and alveoli.
Inner Body
Innerbody: Larynx
Description and illustration of the larynx. Includes feature where you can see the larynx from different perspectives.
Inner Body
Innerbody: Nervous System
This site provides information about the Nervous System, including a visual aide.
Inner Body
Innerbody: Diaphragm
This site from has an illustration as well as detailed text explaining the function of the Diaphragm. See Images - Diaphragm and Descriptions - Diaphragm
Inner Body
Innerbody: Digestive System
Take a look inside the human body's digestive system. This site features diagrams of the digestive tract and each part is accompanied by labels and descriptions. Just select an organ by moving the mouse over its image.
Inner Body
Innerbody: Animated Ear
This site will open two frames, a brief explanation of the hearing process and an animated graphic of the ear at work. Wonderful way to illustrate how the hearing mechanism works.
Inner Body
Explore the human body like never before. Resource presents hundreds of interactive anatomy pictures and descriptions of thousands of objects in the body.
Inner Body
Innerbody: Nasal Passages
This site from provides a general overview of how the human nasal passages work. A second page illustrates the use of the nasal cavity with animation.
Inner Body
Innerbody: Nasal Passages
Describes the anatomy of the nasal passages. Explains how these structures function in the process of breathing and smell.
Inner Body
Innerbody: Animation of a Capillary
This site from has an amazing animation of how a capillary works; there is even a detailed description to help understand the process.