Jewish Federations of North America
Jewish Federations of North America: Funeral Customs: Say Goodbye to a Loved One
Learn about Jewish traditional death rituals and how "to die and be buried as a Jew" in this guide to Jewish living. Jewish law and customs differ between traditional Jews and Reform Jews.
Jewish Federations of North America
Jewish Federations of North America: Shabbat at Home
Learn how people in the Jewish community observe in their homes the special day of rest known as Shabbat and what its unique traditions are.
Jewish Federations of North America
Jewish Federations of North America: About Bar/bat Mitzvah
Learn comprehensive details about the history and religious significance behind the Jewish ceremony known as the 'bar/bat mitzvah.' This ceremony marks a Jewish child's coming of age or maturity.
Jewish Federations of North America
Jewish Federations of North America: The Conversion Process
Provides a step-by-step discussion on how to convert to Judaism and questions to ask yourself if you are considering it.
Jewish Federations of North America
Jewish Federations of North America: The Mezuzah: So Why Isn't It Straight?
Why do Jewish people hang a 'mezuzah' at an angle to the doorpost of their homes? Learn all about this important Jewish object and its traditions.