Kentucky Educational Television
What Is Honesty?
This is an absolute must-have resource for exploring honesty with your learners! Youngsters role play four scenarios that involve honest and dishonest actions, and then engage in meaningful discussion and activities regarding those...
Kentucky Educational Television
The Road to Proportional Reasoning
Just how big would it really be? Young mathematicians determine if different toys are proportional and if their scale is accurate. They solve problems relating scale along with volume and surface area using manipulatives. The...
Kentucky Educational Television
Ket: Lincoln Bicentennial: I, Too, Am a Kentuckian: A Lincoln Travelogue [Pdf]
Learners prepare for and present a play, I, too am a Kentuckian: A Lincoln Travelogue. The play showcases stops on the Kentucky Lincoln Heritage Trail, incorporates music and dance, and shows the strong influence of Kentucky and...
Kentucky Educational Television
Kentucky Educational Television: Ellis Wilson: So Much to Paint
Created as a supplement to a television documentary on the African-American artist, Ellis Wilson, site content includes extensive biographical information, a timeline of his life, and examples of many of his paintings.
Kentucky Educational Television
Ket: A State Divided: Exploring the Civil War Through Images
A State Divided: Exploring the Civil War Through Images includes 75 images related to the Civil War in Kentucky, ranging from medals and photographs to portraits and weapons. The goal is to provide images of artworks, artifacts,...
Kentucky Educational Television
Kentucky Educational Television: Geology and the Civil War: Battle of Perryville
An interesting look at the Battle of Perryville based on the geology of the region. A map shows the initial and final positions of both the Union and Confederate armies.
Kentucky Educational Television
Kentucky Educational Television: Art to Heart
Resources for parents and teachers developed to accompany an eight-part series from Kentucky-based PBS affiliate KET about using the arts to enrich the educational experiences of young children. Includes downloadable arts activities and...
Kentucky Educational Television
Kentucky Educational Television: Fascinating Abe Questions
Do you know why Abraham Lincoln grew a beard? Learn interesting and fun facts about President Lincoln in an easy to read question/answer format.
Kentucky Educational Television
Kentucky Educational Television: This Day in the Arts
Learn about today's date as it ties to key events in the history of the arts.
Kentucky Educational Television
Kentucky Educational Television: Kentuckians in the Arts
Profiles of Kentuckians involved with the arts provides information about arts-related jobs and pursuits. Positions covered range from professors and graphic designers to cartoonists and sculptors.
Kentucky Educational Television
Ket: Kentucky's Underground Railroad: Passage to Freedom
Kentucky Educational Television presents this PBS Award Winning special about the Underground Railroad in Kentucky. Video clips, songs, and excellent research make this site comprehensible and very useful to ELL students and any student...