Luther Seminary
Bible Tutor: Pontius Pilate
The Bible Tutor gives a good introduction to Pontius Pilate, includes references to specific Bible verses with Pontius Pilate.
Luther Seminary
Bible Tutor: David
Bible Tutor discusses the significance of David in the Bible. Also provides Biblical text.
Luther Seminary
Bible Tutor: Elisha
Bible Tutor discusses the significance of Elisha and his relation to Elijah. Also provides links to Biblical passages.
Luther Seminary
Bible Tutor: Ezra
Bible Tutor discusses the significance of Ezra and summarizes the contents of the Book of Ezra. Also provides links to Biblical references.
Luther Seminary
Bible Tutor: Proverbs
This Bible Tutor site includes a diverse collections of sayings based on the idea that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
Luther Seminary
Bible Tutor: Babylonia
This Bible Tutor site briefly describes the Babylonia and the Babylonian Exile. Includes image, map, and hyperlinked terms.
Luther Seminary
Bible Tutor: Leviticus
Bible Tutor offers a summary of the contents and organization of Leviticus. Link to Biblical text.
Luther Seminary
Bible Tutor: Ezekiel
This site from The Bible Tutor briefly covers Ezekiel the Prophet, then it provides a few links to some of his passages and explanations of his passages. The information is worth checking out for a short background on the subject.
Luther Seminary
Bible Tutor: Micah
This Bible Tutor website identifies Micah and summarizes the Book of Micah. Provides link to Biblical text.
Luther Seminary
Bible Tutor: Zephaniah
This Bible Tutor site contains a brief description of the prophet Zephaniah and his teachings.
Luther Seminary
Bible Tutor: Numbers
This Bible Tutor website is a very introductory site on the book of Numbers. Includes hyperlinked terms.
Luther Seminary
Bible Tutor: Assyria
Bible Tutor offers a brief description of the location and history of Assyria. Inlcudes image and map.
Luther Seminary
Bible Tutor: 539 Bc
This Bible Tutor site about 539 BC briefly describes the period immediately following the Babylonian Exile.
Luther Seminary
Bible Tutor: 1 Kings
This site from The Bible Tutor provides a very helpful introduction to the book of 1 Kings. This site divided the book into three parts and includes links to relevant subjects.
Luther Seminary
Bible Tutor: Psalms
This site from The Bible Tutor provides an excellent introduction to the Psalms that discusses their religious significance and categorizes them. Links are provided to several individual psalms as well.
Luther Seminary
Bible Tutor: 2 Samuel
This site from The Bible Tutor of Luther Productions provides a good description of 2 Samuel that includes links to famous people in the book of 2 Samuel and links to specific Bible Verses.
Luther Seminary
Bible Tutor: Jeremiah
Bible Tutor discusses the contents of the Book of Jeremiah with outline of the book. Also provides links to the Biblical text.
Luther Seminary
Bible Tutor: 1 Corinthians
Bible Tutor offers an excellent introduction to the first letter to the Corinthians from Paul. It contains links to important passages within the book.
Luther Seminary
Bible Tutor: Exodus
This Bible Tutor site provides a great summary of the book of Exodus, broken down into three parts. Links are provided throughout for additional information on related subjects, and the information that is presented is interesting and...
Luther Seminary
Bible Tutor: Jeremiah
Bible Tutor discusses the life and significance of Jeremiah in the Bible. Includes biblical citations from the Book of Jeremiah.
Luther Seminary
Bible Tutor: Solomon
Bible Tutor provides brief discussion of the significance of Solomon. Also provides links to Biblical text.
Luther Seminary
Bible Tutor: Matthew
This Lutheran website features a summary of the Gospel of Matthew.
Luther Seminary
Bible Tutor: Elijah
This Bible Tutor site is a very short description of the major contributions of the Hebrew prophet Elijah. This site includes links to scriptural references about Elijah as well as a link to Elisha, his successor.
Luther Seminary
Bible Tutor: Hebrews
This site from The Bible Tutor provides a short, but informative introduction to the book of Hebrews that describes the message and significance of the book. Links are also provided for additional information on related subjects.