Missouri State University
Missouri State University: Lost World of Gilded Age Politics
This extensive look at politics between 1876 and 1896 describes how the Republican Party functioned during this time and how the excesses in politics resulted in reform and the next era in politics, the Progressive Era. A very...
Missouri State University
Missouri State University: Introductory Statistics: Statistics
This is an excellent resource on what the science of statistics involves. There are all kinds of definitions, examples, graphs, and charts to learn from. The topics covered include: mode, mean, median, skewed distributions and measures...
Missouri State University
Missouri State University: Introductory Statistics: Frequency Distributions
Provides a complete discussion of frequency distributions. Site is presented in notes with examples added as needed.
Missouri State University
Missouri State University: Introductory Statistics: Summation Notation
Provides a complete look at the mathematical summation sign. Examples of how to interpret and use the sign are presented as needed.
Missouri State University
Missouri State Univ.: Introductory Statistics: Grouped Frequency Distributions
An example is provided for the explanation of grouped frequency distributions. Graphs show how to construct histograms and overlapping bell curves, and Excel documents are discussed as being useful here.
Missouri State University
Missouri State University: Introductory Statistics: Linear Regression Models
Four examples which use the linear regression model in real-world applications. The site continues with discussion on how to correctly construct the regression model, how its results can be analyzed, and what can come from it.
Missouri State University
Missouri State University: Introductory Statistics: The Sampling Distribution
A review is provided at the start of this resource, then the more specific discussion of sampling distributions gets under way. Graphs are provided for ease in understanding the material.
Missouri State University
Missouri State U.: Multivariate Statistics: Concepts, Models, and Applications
This site features an online textbook with very in-depth information about multivariable statistics. (NOTE: In the archived version, some images do not appear. However, many of them are multiple-choice questions for students, and if you...
Missouri State University
Missouri State University: Introductory Statistics: T Test: Experimental Designs
This discussion of statistical experimental designs is presented in notes with examples added as needed.
Missouri State University
Missouri State University: Introductory Statistics: T Test: The T Distribution
This discussion of statistical t distributions is presented in notes with examples added as needed.
Missouri State University
Missouri State U.: Introductory Statistics: Concepts, Models, and Applications
This is a comprehensive online text about statistics which covers all the basic concepts.
Missouri State University
Missouri State University: Introductory Statistics: Models of Distributions
The different types of distributions are discussed here - uniform, regular, negative exponential, triangular, and normal. The properties of probability distributions are also explained here in detail. A good starting point in the topic...
Missouri State University
Missouri State University: Introductory Statistics: The Normal Curve
Provides a complete discussion of normal curves in statistics. Site is presented in notes with examples added as needed.
Missouri State University
Missouri State University: Introductory Statistics: The Normal Curve
Provides lengthy explanations of the measures of central tendencies - mean, mode, and median - and the measures of variability - range, variance, standard deviation - are given here. Graphs of interesting "side items" are presented as...
Missouri State University
Missouri State University: Introductory Statistics: Hypothesis Testing
Provides a detailed look at hypothesis testing. The topic is defined and discussed, important points to know about the topic are presented, and finally the "model" is looked at. An easy-to-understand explanation.
Missouri State University
Missouri State U.: Statistics: Measures of Central Tendency and Variability
Provides lengthy explanations of the measures of central tendency - mean, mode, and median - and the measures of variability - range, variance, standard deviation. Graphs of interesting examples are presented as well, skewed...
Missouri State University
Missouri State U.: Introductory Statistics: T Test: One and Two Tailed T Tests
One-tail and two-tail t-distribution tests are explained here in detail. When is one the preferred method? A good comparison is offered.
Missouri State University
Missouri State University: Atomic Structure of Minerals
This site shows the atomic structure of common minerals. It includes information on Paulings Rule and Ionic Substitution.
Missouri State University
Missouri State University: Sugar Act (1764)
Excerpts of the original text of the Sugar Act of 1764.
Missouri State University
Missouri State University: Market Structure: Oligopoly
A good outline of course study on the topics of monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and anti-trust legislation.
Missouri State University
Delaware Town: Prehistoric Occupation
Discover facts about the prehistory of Missouri which is divided into four broad stages (Paleoindian, Archaic, Woodland, and Mississippian) and each of those is then divided into three periods (Early, Middle, and Late).
Missouri State University
Delaware Town: Removal Era
Discussion of the removal of American Indians living east of the Mississippi River beginning in the late 1700s. Initially, these removals were voluntary, resulting from treaty negotiations. In 1830, Congress passed the Indian Removal...
Missouri State University
Delaware Town: Trail of Tears
Read details about the history of the Cherokee Trail of Tears in Missouri, a major event in U.S. history.
Missouri State University
Southwest Missouri State University: Documents on the Populist Party
Provides links to several documents related to the Populist Party, including: National People's Party Platform, The Negro Question in the South, The Tramp Circular, The "Cross of Gold" Speech, What's the Matter with Kansas, Another...