Pro Con: Marijuana: Should Marijuana Be a Medical Option?
Website outlining the argument for and against legalizing marijuana for medical purposes. Presents research, studies and pro-con arguments on the topics.
Pro Con: Death Penalty: Should the Death Penalty Be Allowed?
Website outlining the controversial topic of the death penalty provides students with a variety of resources on explaining both sides of the issue.
Pro Con: What Are the Solutions to Illegal Immigration in America?
Website dedicated to exploring the pros and cons of controversial issues examines illegal immigration in America through a variety of resources.
Pro Con: Milk: Is Drinking Milk Healthy for Humans?
Website presents research and studies, core questions, pro con arguments, timeline and videos on milk and its health benefits.
Pro Con: Two State Solution Acceptable Solution to Israeli Palestinian Conflict
Complete set of multi-media resources for students to explore the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and examine solutions. Includes background information, comments, timeline and video gallery.
Pro Con: u.s. Iraq War: Should the Us Have Attacked Iraq?
Website provides multi-media resources for both sides of the issue on whether the U.S. should have attacked Iraq or not. Includes background information, primary source documents and video gallery.
Pro Con: Drinking Age
Pro and Con argument lesson on the appropriate drinking age. Students can read background information, pro/con text, view videos on the topic, and explore links to related resources.
Pro Con: College Education
Website with lesson dedicated to exploring controversial issue of the pros and cons of a college education. Lesson content includes background information, video, pro and con list and links to related resources.
Pro Con: d.a.r.e.
Website with lesson dedicated to exploring the pros and cons of D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program. Contents include importanct facts, pro and con chart, video, background information and links to related resources.
Pro Con: Standardized Tests
Website offers detailed information on the debate over standardized tests. Pros and cons, background information, video, and related links for students to explore the controversy.
Pro Con: Teacher Tenure
Lesson in which students analyze the pros and cons of teacher tenure.
Pro Con: Ronald Reagan: Was Ronald Reagan a Good President?
Lesson in which students explore the presidency of Ronald Reagan evaluating the pros and cons of his tenure. Website offers pro con argument list, projects, video, and background text.
Pro Con: Obesity: Is Obesity a Disease?
Website presents research, studies, video and commentary on the debate about obesity in America and whether or not it should be considered a disease.
Pro Con: Should Prescription Drugs Be Advertised Directly to Consumers?
Website presents research and comprehensive information on the pros and cons of advertising prescription drugs directly to consumers.
Pro Con: Vaccines: Should Any Vaccines Be Required for Children?
Website dedicated to exploring controversial social issues presents research, video and commentary on the arguments for and against vaccinating children in the U.S.
Pro Con: Vegetarian: Should People Become Vegetarian?
Website presenting research, studies and commentary on vegetarian vs. non-vegetarian diet. Comprehensive materials for students familiarze and debate the issue.
Pro Con: Social Networking: Are Social Networking Sites Good for Our Society?
Website outlining the debate about social networking pros and cons and whether or not social networking sites benefit our society. Research, studies, commentary and video for comprehensive study.
Pro Con: Video Games: Do Violent Video Games Contribute to Youth Violence?
Pro and con argument about the relationship between playing violent video games and youth violence. Website presents research, studies, comments and pro-con list.
Pro Con: Big Three Bailout
Website outlines the controversy surrounding the big three automaker bailout from 2008 before president George Bush offered the automakers government loans. Explains bankruptcy, contracts with United Auto Workers, and pro con arguments...
Pro Con: Insider Trading by Congress
Website outlines the debate about insiders trading by Congressional leaders. Comprehensive resources for a full discussion and debate. (Archived material)
Pro Con: Should Adults Have the Right to Carry a Concealed Handgun?
Website offers research, studies, commentary and video on the pros and cons of giving citizens the right to carry a concealed handgun.
Pro Con: Tsarnaev and the Death Penalty: Should the Boston Bomber Be Executed?
Website dedicated to controversial issues lays out the both sides of the arguments made on whether or not Tsarnaev should recieve the death penalty. Resources for students include summary of events, pro con list, and links to related...
Pro Con: Privatizing Social Security: Should Social Security Be Privatized?
Website dedicated to exploring contemporary controversial issues looks at the debate over whether to privatize Social Security.
Pro Con: Muslim Community Center Near Ground Zero Site?
Website presents research and non-partisan arguments of controversial issues focusses on the pros and cons of building a Muslim Community Center at the site of the World Trade Center. Archived material.