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Success Link: Dry Ice Lab/demonstration How Cool It Is!
A lesson plan using dry ice to show the four states of matter. Included are inquiry-based questions to use as part of the demonstration.
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Success Link: Flying Into Spring
Here are two lesson plans that apply geometric concepts to design objects. The first involves students as a group following step by step instructions on making a kite. After the review of geometry vocabulary, in cooperative groups the...
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Success Link: Microorganisms
Lesson plans to examine bactieria and how they grow. The main instructional activity page indicates that there are seven training labs, but there are only two operating links. Those two are worth exploring.
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Success Link: Descriptive Writing Mittens
Use this lesson plan to teach descriptive writing. A checklist is provided so students can self-monitor their writing.
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Success Link: Trim the Tree Addition
Decorate a Christmas tree with addition facts. Use this lesson plan to review addition facts and have students make up addition problems of their own.
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Success Link: 31 Gingerbread Lane
This lesson plan uses the outline of a gingerbread house filled with windows to review numbers, number recognition, counting, and skip counting.
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Success Link: Witches' Brew: Mixing the 1950s and 1690s in a Crucible
Use this lesson plan as an introduction to a study of the play, The Crucible,to help students discover the link between the supposed topic of the play and the political situation in the United States when the play was written.
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Success Link: Forensic Chemistry
An interesting lesson that taps into students' interest in crime solving and forensics. Students examine glass fragments and their density to help them solve a crime.
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Success Link: Symmetry Activity
Use this lesson plan to assess students' understanding of symmetry and their ability to express that understanding both in writing and with paper.
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Success Link: Fruit Loops Graphs
A lesson plan on graphing for young students that can be adapted for older elementary students too. Use Fruit Loops for providing data that can be expressed in many different graphs.
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Success Link: Transcontinental Railroad
A culminating lesson plan after the study of building the first transcontinental railroad. Uses as its text Stephen Krensky's book, "The Iron Dragon Never Sleeps."
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Success Link: Bug Explorers for Columbus Day
A fun lesson plan using the voyages of Columbus as a jumping off point to introduce maps and what can be learned from them. Covers content standards for geographic study and evaluating nonfiction works.
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Success Link: Exploring Limits and Recursive Sequences
A well laid-out lesson plan that uses a classroom simulation to show the medicine level in the body over a period of time. Young scholars track on a chart the process of intake/elimination and problem solve what happens to the medicine...
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Success Link: Jump! Jump!
A lesson plan that expects students to make accurate measurements of long jumps and record the information. It makes suggestions of how to make this a fun, competitive schoolwide program.
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Success Link: Don't Fence Me In
While pretending to be a farmer's cow, students are given the task of designing a new pen for themselves given a set amount of fencing. In the process, they learn about area and perimeter.
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Success Link: Autobiography of a Parasite
Use this lesson plan as an interesting culmination of a study of parasites. Students use the information they've gathered to write an autobiography of thelife cycle of the parasite of their choice.
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Success Link: Lewis and Clark Come Alive
After young scholars research individual members of the Corps of Discovery, they create a living museum of "characters" as they take on the persona of one of the members and present the information they've discovered. Included is a...
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Success Link: Explorer Poetry Booklet
After a study of explorers in the Americas, students write poetry to show what they know about individual explorers. This lesson plan gives guidelines, ways to adapt the lesson, a graphic organizer, and scoring guide.
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Success Link: Lewis and Clark Pamphlet
After students do research on the Lewis and Clark expedition, they make pamphlets reflecting the important points of what they've learned.
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Success Link: Famous Faces and Places
Play this Bingo game with early elementary students to help them learn about famous Americans, symbols, and landmarks. The clues are provided, as are the pictures that go with the clues.
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Success Link: Are You Talking to Me?
A lesson plan to help students interact with each other. The focus is on special education, but could be used productively in any elementary classroom.
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Success Link: Inside Outside Show and Tell
A different take on Show and Tell that emphasizes speaking and listening skills and will engage all the students in this kindergarten tradition.
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Success Link: Characters, Setting, Plot, Conclusion, and Summarizing a Story
This lesson plan offers a step-by-step procedure for teaching students how to identify story elements and to summarize a story. It explains how to use a "Who Am I" activity, as well as a linkage activity in identifying characters and...
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Success Link: 1787 [Archived Version]
By using the novel, Shh! We're Writing the Constitution by Jean Fritz, and 1787 by Joan Anderson, students learn the lively discussion among the delegates to the Constitutional Convention concerning the ratification of the document they...