Tech Target
Tech Target: Cookie
This site provides a definition of a Cookie, with two links with further information.
Tech Target
Search Networking: Osi Model (Open Systems Interconnection)
A basic definition of OSI (Open Systems Interconnection), the standard reference model for transferring information from one point in a network to another. Link on the first line of the article to an illustration of the OSI Reference Model.
Tech Target
Tech Target: Search Networking Definitions: Ppp (Point to Point Protocol)
A definition of Point to Point Protocol with linked keywords.
Tech Target
Search Networking: Local Area Network
A simple definition of the term, "Local Area Network," or "LAN" including hyperlinked terms.
Tech Target
Search Networking: What Is Telnet
Information about Telnet and its uses. Click on some of the words in the article to find out more information on them.
Tech Target
Tech Target: Switch
This resource provides a brief description of a network switch with linked definitions.
Tech Target
What Is: Find a Tech Definition: Encyclopedia
Students can explore a wealth of encyclopedic definitions and topics regarding the internet and computers with this resource.
Tech Target
What Is: Irrational Number
A counterpart problem in measurement would be to find the length of the diagonal of a square whose side is one unit long; there is no subdivision of the unit length that will divide evenly into the length of the diagonal. It thus became...
Tech Target Infomercial
This site has the definition of "Infomercial," and includes explanations of the infomercial equivalent in print media and on the internet.
Tech Target
Tech Target: What Is?
An extensive online dictionary for thousands of the most current IT-related words. Browse alphabetically or by catagories like "Software," "Internet," "Computing fundamentals," "Networking" and more.
Tech Target Cartesian Coordinates
This site from provides a great definition of cartesian coordinates. The definition is medium-sized in length and has links to additional information as well.
Tech Target
What Is: Exponential Function
A good site explaining the exponential function. The site has links to related topics
Tech Target
What Is: Alternating Current (Ac)
This site provides a brief explanation of what an AC current is.
Tech Target
What Is: Flowchart
This site provides a definition of a flowchart and contains several links to further information.
Tech Target Specific Gravity
This article tells what specific gravity and how to compute the specific gravity for solids, liquids, and gases.
Tech Target
Rational Number: A Whatis Definition
A very good and in-depth explanation of what a rational number is.
Tech Target
What Is: Resistance
A short summary of resistance and how it is measured. Including information on AC and DC.
Tech Target
Tech Target: Virtual Reality
This reosurce presents a basic definition for what virtual reality is. It briefly discusses different types and lists some popular products for creating virtual reality effects on personal computers.
Tech Target Permeability
This resource defines magnetic permeability and then describes how it is used to classify materials as diamagnetic, paramagnetic, or ferromagnetic.
Tech Target
What Is: Cathode Ray Tube
This resource provides a good description of the cathode ray tube, with a very clear diagram and links to more in-depth information.
Tech Target
Tech Target: Search Networking: File Transfer Protocol
This definition of File Transfer Protocol (FTP) features links to related computer and networking terms.
Tech Target Intersection Symbol
Scroll down to see the defintions of intersection and intersection symbol. This site includes the common notation and a pictorial representation of an intersection of elements.
Tech Target
Tech Target: World Wide Web
This resource provides a brief definition of the World Wide Web and includes links to related topics.