The English Teacher
The English Teacher: Teaching the Analysis of Non Fiction
A form used by an English teacher to help students understand and analyze nonfiction literature. Very helpful ways to classify information. It can be modified for different grade levels.
The English Teacher
The English Teacher: Teaching Basic Poetry
This lesson plan-tutorial uses "Beware do not read this poem" by Ismael Reed to teach students how to read and appreciate poetry.
The English Teacher
Teacher2b: Methods and Practices in Classroom Discipline
Discover how to create a well-managed classroom through methods and practices in classroom discipline.
The English Teacher
The English Teacher: A Beowulf Test
The test can serve as a model for your own assessment of your students' understanding of the Old English epic poem.
The English Teacher
The English Teacher: Beowulf Lesson Plans
These teaching notes for Beowulf provide a model for your own lesson plan and as a basic resource to study Beowulf. These notes can help you remember the pertinent points of Anglo-Saxon epic poem and help to deepen your understanding.
The English Teacher
The English Teacher: Teaching the Scarlet Letter
This lesson plan-tutorial focuses on teaching vocabulary with literature through the book "The Scarlet Letter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne.
The English Teacher To Kill a Mockingbird
Check out this sample test for the book "To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. Teachers can pick and choose the questions that will fit with their students learning styles.
The English Teacher Notes for "To Kill a Mockingbird"
Review notes for the novel "To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee.
The English Teacher
The English Teacher: The Odyssey Student Questions
Examples of honors student questions about themes and characters in "The Odyssey." The way you might respond to them can be used in creating your lesson plan.
The English Teacher Dracula Lesson Plans
This series of lesson plans for teaching Bram Stoker's Dracula are broken into chapter segments and include many interesting and creative ways to teach this novel.
The English Teacher
The English Teacher: Description in Dracula
Extracts from Bram Stoker's Dracula reveak his powers of description that help to establish a sense of "versimilitude" or of being "true to life." It is important to establish verisimilitude in the beginning pages of a novel as this...
The English Teacher Teaching Language in King Lear
A teacher shares thoughts and ideas on teaching King Lear.
The English Teacher The English Teacher: The Odyssey: Writing Test
In this lesson plan, students write a journal entry from the viewpoint of one of the following characters from the Odyssey: Telemakhos, Penelope, Eurykleia the nurse, Antinoos (a suitor), and the goddess Athena.
The English Teacher
The English Teacher: Writing Analogies
Analogies are useful when communicating ideas that a reader wouldn't otherwise understand. This tutorial explains how to use analogy in writing.
The English Teacher
Teaching Literature Fiction and Non Fiction
An English teacher's collection of lessons and notes on teaching a variety of high school level fiction.
The English Teacher
Teacher2 The Pearl
This site presents a basic English lesson plan to teach the entire novel, "The Pearl." It includes notes, quizzes, tests, and prompts.