US Census Bureau
U.s. Bureau of the Census: Hispanic Population of the United States
This web-page from the U.S. Bureau of the Census looks at the hispanic population of the United States via census data and other facts.
US Census Bureau
Census 2000 Briefs
A page of a number of news briefs from the U.S. Census Bureau discussing Census 2000 results in population, race, housing, and much more. A nice source when studying American diversity.
US Census Bureau
Uscb: u.s. Trade Balance With Italy
Charts make it easy to read the yearly trade (both imports and exports) in U.S. dollars wtih Italy.
US Census Bureau
United States Census Bureau: Poverty in the Us [Pdf]
The US census report on poverty published in 2001.
US Census Bureau
U.s. Census Bureau: Poverty
The U.S. Census Bureau offers the official statistics on poverty.
US Census Bureau
U.s. Census Bureau: Age Data
This website has data available on age at the following levels: National, State, County, and other. Other statistical sections are "International Data," "Baby Boomer," "Older (55+) Population," and "Elderly (65+) Population."
US Census Bureau
U.s. Census Bureau: Families and Living Arrangements
Census Bureau statistics show the variety in living arrangements that exist in the United States. Find historical information as well as current figures.
US Census Bureau
U.s. Census Bureau: Population Change and Distribution [Pdf]
This U.S. Census Web site gives current and past information on population changes and distribution. Must have an Adobe Reader to access.
US Census Bureau
U.s. Census Bureau: Measuring 50 Years of Economic Change [Pdf]
A lengthy report published in 1998 that analyzes historical changes in the US economy and labor force, based on data collected by the Census Bureau.
US Census Bureau
Scholastic: It's About Us: Teaching Guide [Pdf]
Teachers will encourage students to understand the purpose and history regarding the U.S. Census with these cross-curricular lesson plans designed for grades K-4. Scope and Sequence, National Standards, as well as activities and...
US Census Bureau
U.s. Census Bureau: Student State Facts
Ever wonder how many 8 year old boys or girls live in your state? Do you know what day your state joined the Union? Take some time to explore the fifty states and Puerto Rico and discover many fun facts collected by the U.C. Census.
US Census Bureau
U. S. Census Bureau: People of Arab Descent
This report, based on the 2005 Census, details the distribution of people of Arab descent based on gender, age, marital status, country of birth, English-speaking ability, educational attainment, employment status, poverty level/family...
US Census Bureau
2010 Census Fact Sheet [Pdf]
Peruse this brochure of general facts regarding the 2010 U.S. Census.
US Census Bureau
2010 Census Fact Sheet [Pdf]
Peruse this brochure of general facts regarding the 2010 U.S. Census.
US Census Bureau
Us Census Bureau: Population of the 100 Largest Cities in the u.s.: 1790 1990
Provides an extensive amount of information on the population of urban areas around the U.S. To skip the written summaries just click on the tables for statistical data.
US Census Bureau
U.s. Census Bureau: State & County Quick Facts: Texas
Facts about the population demographics of Texas, categories of businesses, and basic geography.
US Census Bureau
U.s. Census Bureau: Race: Black Population
Links to census data on the black population in the United States.
US Census Bureau
U.s. Census Bureau: Puerto Rico Municipios Population
The U.S. Bureau provides this extensive text file on the estimated population of Puerto Rico by municipality from 1990 to 1999.
US Census Bureau
U.s. Bureau of the Census: Hispanic Origin
This chart from the U.S. Bureau of the Census presents findings on the origins of the hispanic population of the Unted States.
US Census Bureau
U.s. Census Bureau: 2010 Census
What is the Census? Why should I fill out my form? Can I do the Census online? Find out the answers to these questions and many more when you take a look at the U.S. Census Bureau: 2010 Census website. Teacher materials are available.
US Census Bureau
U.s. Census Bureau: Migration/geographic Mobility
This U.S. Census Bureau site is a first stop on regional shift information, with links to population survey information, population estimates and other related sites.
US Census Bureau
U.s. Census Bureau: Poverty
Contains a wealth of information about poverty in the U.S. including statistics and characteristics of those living in poverty.
US Census Bureau
Us Census Bureau: Poverty Thresholds
This site gives the poverty guidelines for the past 20 years. Easy to read and understand.
US Census Bureau
Us Census Bureau: American Community Survey
The American Community Survey uses demographic data to enable the government and communities make important decisions.