Teachers TryScience
Teachers Try Science: Stem Lessons and Resources for Educators
Free and engaging lessons, along with teaching strategies and resources, which are designed to spark students' interest in science, technology, engineering, and math.
Teachers TryScience
Teachers Try Science: Gravity in Action
Here is a hands-on experiment that lets you discover how and why gravity works by making your own little parachutes.
Teachers TryScience
Teachers Try Science: Catch the Wave!
A resource that explores sound waves and how they work. Offers activities online and offline. Requires Adobe Flash.
Teachers TryScience
Teachers Try Science: Breathing Yeasties
See how combining yeast, sugar, and water can demonstrate the carbon cycle and show how microorganisms work in the food chain.
Teachers TryScience
Teachers Try Science: Comet Cratering
Use marbles to discover how comets and asteroids make impact craters. This hands-on experiment is easy to do and gives you many variations to try. Included are links to additional information.
Teachers TryScience
Teachers Try Science: Lung Capacity
This hands-on experiment shows you how to make your spirometer, a device you can use to measure how much air your lungs can hold.
Teachers TryScience
Teachers Try Science: Wingin' It
Learn about the Bernoulli effect by building an airplane wing, or airfoil, and making it fly.
Teachers TryScience
Teachers Try Science: Let It Roll
Here's an easy experiment, using common household items, that will show you all ball bearings work.
Teachers TryScience
Teachers Try Science: Musical Coat Hangers
From the National Science and Technology Centre in Australia comes this easy experiment that shows how sound waves travel and what materials are good conductors of sound.
Teachers TryScience
Teachers Try Science: Mysterious Melodies
How do you hear melodies? What happens when you know a melody and then you scramble the notes? What does your brain hear then? This interactive resource addresses these questions.
Teachers TryScience
Teachers Try Science: Stadium Seat Science
Try this hands-on experiment to figure out how a vacuum cleaner works. Find out about pressure by using drinking straws.
Teachers TryScience
Teachers Try Science: Stick to It!
An activity from the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry where participants make white glue from milk curds and then test it out, trying different variations of the ingredients. They learn about the denaturing of the protein casein...
Teachers TryScience
Teachers Try Science: Say Cheese
Follow these steps to create the chemical reaction required to make cheese. Good explanations and suggestions of ways to modify the experiment. Hands-on science.
Teachers TryScience
Teachers Try Science: Eggs at Rest Stay at Rest
Students demonstrate the properties of inertia with some common kitchen materials.
Teachers TryScience
Teachers Try Science: Where There's Light, There's Hot Food!!!
This unit helps young scholars learn to apply the concept of solar energy conservation. They are introduced to angles and their effect on the amount of light reflected, and they will also design, construct, manipulate, critique, evaluate...
Teachers TryScience
Try Science en Espanol
Fabulous resource for kids studying science. An excellent reinforcement for lessons covered in class or an insightful tool for students wishing to expand their knowledge of science. Allows students to visit science centers all over the...