AP Test Prep

2001 AP® English Language and Composition Free-Response Questions

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This 2001 AP® English Language and Composition Free-Response Questions ap test prep also includes:

Do pictures really last longer? A prompt from the 2001 AP® English Language and Composition Free-Response Questions asks scholars to analyze the opinion that photography actually limits people when it comes to understanding the world. Writers also take a close look at the author's style and choice of words by responding to a letter and an excerpt.

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Divide the essays into three different sessions to prevent writer burn-out
  • Allow the use of graphic organizers for pre-writing
Classroom Considerations
  • Estimates 40 minutes per essay 
  • Provides all needed text to answer the questions
  • Gives rubrics for grading to help assess understanding
  • None
Common Core