
A Classic in 236 Words

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Get in the reading spirit on Read Across America Day while celebrating Dr. Seuss' birthday with four printable worksheet activities. Included is a word search using story character's names, a quiz to test how many Dr. Seuss titles you've read, a mathematical fill-in-the-blank page, and a create your own story game using the same 236 words from Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat.


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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • For continued use cut out story words, laminate and attach them to magnets, then post them on the white board or other magnetic surfaces 
  • Schedule time to go to the school library or download the titles referenced in the worksheets
  • If you are an upper grade teacher, visit a lower grade classroom to read a Dr. Seuss book to the younger scholars
  • If you teach lower grades, invite older learners to come to class and read to your pupils
Classroom Considerations
  • Copies are required
  • The activities hold learner engagement as they allow for creative thinking
  • Since this worksheet was created in 2006 and comes as a 50th birthday celebration for The Cat In the Hat, the fill in the blank worksheet's information is no longer accurate.