
A Journalist’s Report: The Better Vision for Black Americans

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This A Journalist’s Report: The Better Vision for Black Americans worksheet also includes:

After reading a series of primary source documents detailing the teachings of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X, class members craft newspaper columns assessing the strengths and weaknesses of each man's vision, and present their claims as to which one offers the better solution to the problems faced by the black community.

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • A video of Louis Lomax's interview with Malcolm X is available on YouTube
  • Flip the lesson, have class members read the documents out of class, and use class time for discussion and questions on the readings
Classroom Considerations
  • A protocol for a safe and respectful discussion of emotionally charged topics must be in place before using this resource
  • Most class members will be more familiar with the views of Martin Luther King and may need more context for an understanding of Malcolm X's stance
  • The 27-page packet includes the primary source documents, worksheets, and the writing assignment
  • No rubric is included for the writing assignment