
A Restaurant

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This A Restaurant worksheet also includes:

What can you eat at a restaurant? And how will you get it from your table? Learn about restaurant-specific words with a reading comprehension lesson about the people who work in restaurants, as well as the types of foods that various restaurants serve. The packet concludes with a few reading comprehension questions, some spelling exercises, and a page where kids draw a picture and write a story about a restaurant they like to attend.

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Include in a language arts homework packet for kids to reinforce reading skills at home
  • Have kids complete the packet in a small group as a reading assessment
  • Use in a class with English learners to work on key vocabulary and phrases
  • Send copies of the pictures and stories kids create to the specific restaurants they mention
Classroom Considerations
  • Though the lesson is designed for first graders, it would be helpful for English learners of any age, especially in a unit about restaurants
  • Lesson makes a point of identifying waiters as men and waitresses as women, rather than server
  • Lists the key vocabulary words at the top of the page 
  • Stories are in large font and double-spaced for reading comprehension
  • None
Common Core