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Lesson Planet
This A Teacher's Guide to Lord of the Flies by William Golding study guide also includes:
- Teacher Reference
- Activity
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Many critics consider William Golding's Lord of the Flies as one of the best English language novels of the 20th century! It is also one of the 100 most challenged books taught in schools! Instructors willing to accept the challenge of using Golding's dystopian novel for either lit circles or as an anchor text will find this guide, one of the best of its kind, a perfect resource.
Instructional Ideas
- Read through the entire guide and select those items most appropriate for your classes
- Provide pupils with the list of group and individual projects and let them select the one that appeals to them
- Have class members develop their project-based learning topic
Classroom Considerations
- The 24-page guide includes chapter synopses, before, during, and after reading activities, background information, and discussion questions, as well as journal and essay topics
- The Extended Reading section suggests novels and films with the same themes
- Activities are differentiated to appeal to different learning styles
- None