
Adding and Subtracting Radicals

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Adding and Subtracting Radicals handout also includes:

Help remove some of the confusion surrounding the addition and subtraction of radical numbers with this set skills practice problems. Taken straight from the pages of a math text book, this resource provides learners with numerous opportunities for developing their fluency simplifying the terms in radical expressions.

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • Create a packet out of this resource, working through the problems as guided practice as well as in-class and homework assignments
  • Differentiate instruction by assigning students problems that are appropriate for their individual abilities 
  • Includes example problems with notes that clearly explain how to add and subtract square roots
  • Worksheet provides space for students to show work and lines for them to record their answers to each problem
  • Problems include radical expressions with both numbers and variables
  • A key with answers to all of the problems is included with the resource
  • None