
Addition Match-Up

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Addition Match-Up worksheet also includes:

Math wizards practice adding fractions with unlike denominators on this simple matching worksheet. Presented with ten addition expressions, children must calculate the sum of each and match them to the correct fraction bar model shown along the right.

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • Use as a formative assessment during a lesson series on adding fractions
  • Extend learning by asking young mathematicians to create their own addition expressions and equivalent fraction bar models
Classroom Considerations
  • There is not enough room on the worksheet to solve the problems, learners will have to use the back of the page or a separate sheet of paper
  • Resource assumes students have prior knowledge of adding fractions with different denominators
  • Worksheet includes fractions ranging from halves through tenths
  • Answer key is included with the resource
  • None