Lesson Plan

Alcohol: Grades 6-8

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Alcohol: Grades 6-8 lesson plan also includes:

To get the word out about the realities of teens and tweens drinking alcohol, class members engage in two activities. For the first, groups design highway billboards about the dangers of alcohol drinking. Class members then create a music video about peer pressure and alcohol use.

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Divide the class into seven groups, assign each a different article to read, and then report on to the class
  • Ask another group to research and report on facilities on campus and in the community that offer support services
Classroom Considerations
  • Requires copies of the Truth Teller's Latest Hit handout
  • Be sensitive to the fact that some class members may be dealing with their own or a family member's alcohol addiction
  • Groups require access to computers with internet
  • The activities offer learners strategies for dealing with peer pressure
  • Includes discussion questions and extension suggestions
  • None