Lesson Plan

Analyzing Text Structure: “Water Is Life” Paragraphs

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Water, water everywhere. Readers revisit paragraphs six through nine in the article "Water is Life" to answer text-dependent questions. They then pair up to reread the article focusing on its structure and record their thoughts on a Analyzing Juxtaposition handout. To help with comprehension, individuals underline words and phrases that describe the environment in the article. 

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CCSS: Designed
Instructional Ideas
  • Review setting at the beginning of the lesson
Classroom Considerations
  • Lesson three of 10 in Grade 7 ELA Module 4B Unit 1
  • Order of lessons matters
  • Suggests determining pairing of pupils in advance
  • Includes answers to text-dependent questions
  • Offers graphic organizers to enhance understanding of the article
  • None
Common Core