Workshop 2 demonstrates how teachers use authentic sources and topics to prompt students to write about things that matter to them, subjects that relate to their lives, relationships, and communities. The topic may be the students - themselves their feelings, emotions, reactions - or it may involve outside forces that have an impact on their lives. The teachers use a variety of subjects and approaches to help their students connect to writing: current events, popular music, literature, community issues, social interactions, self-exploration. In addition to classroom segments that explore these approaches, the video also features teacher discussions about student engagement and excerpts from an interview with Linda Rief, the author of Seeking Diversity: Language Arts With Adolescents. [58:17] W.9-10.10 Write Routinely
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Classroom Considerations
- Knovation Readability Score: 5 (1 low difficulty, 5 high difficulty)
- The intended use for this resource is Instructional