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Bulfinch's collection of Greek and Roman myths is available here in full text format. A little known feature of this work is its sections on Eastern mythology, Northern mythology and a section on Druid religion.
Additional Tags
salamander, unicorn, achelous, acis, actaeon, admetus, adonis, age of fable, alcestis, amphion, andromeda, apollo, arachne, ariadne, arion, aristaeus, atalanta, atlas, aurora, bacchus, baldur, basilisk, baucis, buddha, bulfinch, cadmus, callisto, calypso, camenae, camilla, castor, centaur, cephalus, ceyx, charybdis, chimaera, clytie, cockatrice, daedalus, daphne, diana, dido, druid, dryope, echo, electra, elves, elysium, endymion, erisichthon, euryalus, eurydice, evander, galatea, ganymede, glaucus, gorgons, grand lama, greek myth, griffin, gryphon, halcyone, hebe, helen, hero, hindu mythology, hyacinthus, ibycus, io, iphis, juno, laestrygonians, latona, leander, linus, marsyas, medea, medusa, melampus, meleager, menelaus, mezentius, midas, minerva, musaeus, myrmidons, narcissus, niobe, nisus, norse myth, northern mythology, oracles, orestes, orion, orpheus, palinurus, pallas, pandora, pegasus, penelope, perseus, phaeton, philemon, phoenix, pollux, pomona, prester john, procris, prometheus, proserpine, psyche, pygmalion, pygmy, pyramus, return of uylsses, rhoecus, roman myth, sappho, scylla, sibyl, simonides, sphinx, teutonic mythology, thamyris, the fall of troy, the lotus-eaters, the niebelungen lied, theseus, thisbe, thomas bulfinch, thor, tithonus, troy, turnus, valhalla, valkyrior, vertumnus, zoroaster, examples of myths
Classroom Considerations
- Knovation Readability Score: 5 (1 low difficulty, 5 high difficulty)