Lesson Plan

Becoming US President

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

It's that time of year, and the year. Once again the race is on for the White House. It's important that young voters, and would-be voters, understand the process for becoming the United States President. Class members research the process by tracking candidates from the launching of a campaign through Inauguration Day. Along the way they examine eligibility criteria, the candidates' FEC application, and the candidates stance on a variety of critical issues. A must-have resource for any presidential election year.

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Instructional Ideas
  • Have class members bring in print materials, including packets from the League of Women Voters, sample ballots, and ads for candidates and ballot measures
  • Instructors should decide on the scope, whether to begin the research as the many candidates test the waters, with the conventions, or after parties have nominated their candidates
  • Have researchers fact-check all claims and statements
Classroom Considerations
  • Groups require access to computers with internet 
  • To fully understand the process, students should track all 13 of the items listed in the resource, beginning with the eligibility criteria to be coming president
  • The materials target the 2020 presidential election
  • Links take researchers to sites that have information about the Democrat, Republican, Green, and Libertarian candidates, as well as their stance on issues
  • None