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In 1934, an African-American Baptist minister named Michael King made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land and attended an international conference in Germany, where he learned about a native son and Protestantism founder Martin Luther. Inspired by the life and deeds of the 16th-century monk, King changed both his name and that of his young son, who became known to the world as Martin Luther King Jr.
Additional Tags martin luther king jr. and martin luther: the parallels between the two leaders, both arrived at just the right time, luther and king wanted to overturn the powers that be, luther and king's movements moved on without them, martin luther king's most inspirational quotes, parallels between the two leaders, acclaimed for their writing and communication skills, changed the future of religion and civil rights, later faced controversies, risked their lives by defying authorities, martin luther king, jr.
Classroom Considerations
- Knovation Readability Score: 5 (1 low difficulty, 5 high difficulty)