Lesson Plan

Biological Oceanographic Investigations – I, Robot, Can Do That!

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Biological Oceanographic Investigations – I, Robot, Can Do That! lesson plan also includes:

How do you decide the best person for each job? Would it be easier if you didn't have to consider their feelings? The instructional activity begins with a discussion of underwater robots. Then groups research one of these robots and present their findings to the class. Finally, scholars are assigned an expedition and must decide which robot is best suited for their job. 

31 Views 18 Downloads
CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • Use a KWL chart with the lesson
  • Research the underwater robots used by other countries to compare the various capabilities
Classroom Considerations
  • Recommends each group have Internet access for doing research
  • Lesson is the 14th in a 16-part series
  • Offers an outline of the research groups should find for each robot
  • Includes a long list of related lessons, links, and resources
  • None