Lesson Plan

Blast Off!

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Blast Off! lesson plan also includes:

With the use of a model rocket kit, aspiring aerospace engineers work cooperatively to construct and launch a rocket. A preparatory reading assignment is included, covering Newton's laws of motion and information about the first commercial spaceships, launched in 2011 and 2012. While your class can build and launch a rocket without this instructional activity, the reading and the reflection questions make it a valuable addition for your high school STEM or physical science classes.

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CCSS: Adaptable
  • Thoughtful reflection questions provide an opportunity to process what was learned from the experience
  • A strong support for Common Core State Standards in reading informational text and scientific literacy
  • Meet Next Generation Science Standards in engineering and technology with this lesson
  • You will need to purchase rocket building kits, but recommendations are made within the list of materials