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The Gilbert and Sullivan Archive, hosted by the department of mathematics at Boise State University, is devoted to the operas and other works of William S. Gilbert and Arthur S. Sullivan. Content includes biographies, plot summaries, librettos, clip art, audio clips, song scores, and newsletter articles.
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Additional Tags
comic opera, comic operetta, boise state university: gilbert and sullivan archive, d'oyly carte family and opera company, gondoliers, grand duke, h.m.s. pinafore, iolanthe, mikado, pirates of penzance, princess ida, ruddigore, savoy photo gallery, sorcerer, thespis, topsy-turvy, trial by jury, utopia limited, yeomen of the guard, gilbert and sullivan
Classroom Considerations
- Knovation Readability Score: 4 (1 low difficulty, 5 high difficulty)