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Lesson Planet
Are learners heavy sighing at the idea of reading a primary source, written in a language that is difficult to understand and in cursive? Look no further, because the resource breaks down the Declaration of Independence in an easy-to-understand and enjoyable way. The class reads about the meaning of different sections of the document, sees the primary source firsthand, and gets a play-by-play to each sentence of the entire document.
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Instructional Ideas
- Differentiate for GATE by assigning them to make up some of their own answers
- Extend learning by requiring pupils to write a reflective piece about what the Declaration of Independence would have meant for colonists at the time; challenge them to use historical context and facts
Classroom Considerations
- Requires a way to present the resource through methods such as print distribution, online access, or projection technology
- Makes a primary source less overwhelming and more interesting for scholars
- Puts the wording of the Constitution into regular, everyday, contemporary speak
- Very easy to navigate the resource
- None