Lesson Plan

Broward Education Foundation: Project Living History [Pdf]

Curated by ACT

Inquiry research is self-directed and project-based on the grade-level curriculum. Young scholars begin an area of inquiry research becoming a critical historian. Focusing on research writing involves reading and a digital search on Destiny Quest to find websites, read articles and learn from many different authors how to draw conclusions and make inferences. Students begin to theorize about their own research actively as they leave a footprint, a lasting impression on their own learning. This student engagement can lead to the possibility of creating life-long learning. Project Living History is collaborative transforming classrooms into museum exhibits bringing life to classroom teaching and student learning.

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CCSS: Adaptable
Classroom Considerations
  • Knovation Readability Score: 5 (1 low difficulty, 5 high difficulty)
  • The intended use for this resource is Instructional|practice
  • This resource is only available on an unencrypted HTTP website.It should be fine for general use, but don’t use it to share any personally identifiable information