Lesson Plan

Buddy, The First Seeing Eye Dog

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Learn about how the seeing eye dog program began with a reading lesson plan about Eva Moore's chapter book, Buddy, The First Seeing Eye Dog. With vocabulary words, discussion questions, and extension resources, the lesson plan is a great way for individuals to think about other ways that people can see the world.

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Include in a reading comprehension assessment or language arts packet
  • Have your class research Buddy, the history of seeing eye dogs, or another prominent figure who overcame adversity using the links provided
Classroom Considerations
  • Consider adding more complex questions when discussing the book
  • Provides helpful additions to the lessons, as well as important plot points on a timeline and vocabulary lists
  • Encourages youngsters to think about the ways that people overcome adversity
  • Discussion questions are mostly comprehension level