Lesson Plan

Building Background Knowledge: Why Do Workers Strike? (Chapter 11: "Los Aguacates/Avocados")

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Building Background Knowledge: Why Do Workers Strike? (Chapter 11: "Los Aguacates/Avocados") lesson plan also includes:

Make connections between Esperanza Rising and human rights with the activities outlined here. The instructional activity starts out with a brief quiz and review of the novel. After that, pupils circulate and share quote strips that you give to them. The goal is to match quotes from the novel with quotes about human rights. Class members will also learn what a strike is and connect that knowledge to the novel by completing a note-catcher and discussing the text. All materials are included in an engaging Common Core designed instructional activity.

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CCSS: Designed
Resource Details
English Language Arts
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Resource Type
Lesson Plans
1 hr
Instructional Strategies
Collaborative Learning
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Creative Commons
BY-NC-SA: 3.0
Common Core