Lesson Plan

Building Writing Skills: Receiving Feedback and Varying Sentence Structures

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Everyone is good at something. Scholars receive their mid-unit assessments with feedback. They look over their papers and write their strengths as a writer and goals on index cards. The class then has a mini lesson in using sentence variety and complete Sentence Complexity and Variety: Keeping Readers Engaged worksheet.

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CCSS: Designed
Instructional Ideas
  • Read a poorly written paragraph without variety and a well written paragraph with variety for students to hear the differences
Classroom Considerations
  • Uses index cards
  • Lesson 14 of 20 in Grade 6 ELA Module 1, Unit 2
  • Requires completing lessons in order
  • Includes a lesson outline with time suggestions for each activity
  • Encourages pupils to think positively about themselves and work
  • None