
"C" Sound

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Crayon, cat, cow... What do these words have in common? They all start with C! Have your kids practice the initial hard /c/ sound and practice the letter C by identifying the images that start with this letter.

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • After they have written in the letter C under the correct images, invite pupils to color in the pictures
  • Say the name of each image (cat, camel, etc.) out loud as a class to practice the sound
Classroom Considerations
  • Note that not all the pictures are of things that start with the hard /c/ sound
  • Requires learners to think about each item; not all of them start with the correct letter, and this will likely prompt kids to say the words out loud and practice the hard /c/ sound
  • None
Common Core