Instructional Video


Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

When the chemists who designed hand warmers were working, they had to consider how much heat they could give off to keep people warm  — and not burn anyone in the process. How is this heat given off in a chemical reaction measured? Explore calorimetry in the video that demonstrates the change in heat of chemical reactions.

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • Review safety procedures in lab 
  • Pass out hand warmers and ask pairs of learners how they work and have them write down the answers; after the video, discuss original answers and tweak to add new information learned before discussing as a class
Classroom Considerations
  • Classroom must have a computer, Internet access, and a projection system 
  • This video is hosted on YouTube
  • Video shows a demonstration of change in heat in a chemical reaction between hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide
  • Host of video states, "I should be wearing gloves," when mixing chemicals, which is a poor representation of safety within the chemistry lab; he also stirs a mixture with a thermometers and states, "...should never, ever be done in schools ... broken thermometer ..."
Common Core