Lesson Plan

Caring School Environment Performance Task

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Caring School Environment Performance Task lesson plan also includes:

In a school scenario, pupils stay home to keep from the teasing and bullying on campus. To combat unkind behavior, small groups survey learners in other grade levels, discuss and summarize their findings, then work together to create a product that promotes a caring school environment. Finally, an administrator reviews final plans, and with teacher approval, scholars offer the product to their peers.  

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Instructional Ideas
  • Display finished products in the school's library or office
  • Invite small groups to share their products with their classmates
  • Create a caring and respect-themed focus wall for pupils to reference while they work
Classroom Considerations
  • The second of 10 resources dealing with social-emotional development
  • The lessons scenario may be a pupils' reality; take note of behavior and follow necessary steps to provide assistance
  • Includes a rubric
  • The survey keeps individuals' responses anonymous
  • None